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Why do I have to put a woman in her place if she gets out of hand?

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One of the benefits of this forum is being endlessly insulted by women who could never rate a date with me. Keeps me humble.



You are ruining this thread. Humble? Humble and arrogant are not the same thing. You do realize everyone thinks you are a joke right...?

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40 year old single dude, super duper dating guru.


Thatd be a good tv show



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You do realize everyone thinks you are a joke right...?


Haven't heard that since grade school, thanks for the nostalgia. Same to kaylan, always good for a trip back to crayon land. But...Really?


Didn't work then either btw.


OP, should he return to his thread, can decide whether I've "ruined" it or not (we baking a cake here? :laugh: ), my posts are all squarely on topic.

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1. Lots of things and behaviors are in fact gender issues. Men and women aren't otherwise identical creatures with different gonads.


2. I post daily advising women to leave or "discipline" men who treat them badly... daily, right here on this forum. No idea what you think my "agenda" is, but you are wrong.


3. If you want to tell stories about men you've encountered that would make my jaw drop, make that thread. This isn't it, and one of the reasons I get involved in threads like this is the persistent habit of female posters here to answer everything said here about women with "men do it too." Do you and select others not realize what a silly nonresponse that is to men who have legitimate dating issues?


Yeah and I only have to laugh when the extremely dumb men on this forum tell me they're more logical than me cause they're men.:laugh: So you never dated men and find yourself daily advising women to discipline men yet feel comfortable enough to claim that this is a women's thing?? I see how this works.


There was no silly non-response. I responded to the op except I didn't try to brainwash him with a bitter woman hating attitude. I wouldn't have said "men do it too" if some certain dude didn't come to this thread using it as an excuse to bash women for the nth time..

Edited by mesmerized
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So you never dated men and find yourself daily advising women to discipline men yet feel comfortable enough to claim that this is a women's thing?? I see how this works.


You will rarely if ever find me in threads on female dating issues posting that "women do it too." You will also rarely if ever find me posting advice about whether men do or don't do certain things.


You will find me, though, posting often in threads about specific treatment that is obviously wrong no matter who does it, and where a hurting female OP obviously needs some encouragement or affirmation to feel better about the mistreatment.


There was no silly non-response. I responded to the op except I didn't try to brainwash him with a bitter woman hating attitude. I wouldn't have said "men do it too" if some certain dude didn't come to this thread using it as an excuse to bash women for the nth time..


Complete rationalization. It's extremely common for certain female posters here to offer the "men do it too" unadvice to male posters, and the reverse is rarely the case. You see, certain female posters here get insulted, internalize, and take things too personally when they shouldn't, then start in with personal insults against OP or others (like some of the early replies to this thread) and commence to wailing away like a bunch of spoiled children at some imaginary injustice done them by a thread on the internet. Men don't do this nearly as much here, and it bears out lots of things I've said in this very thread.

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You will rarely if ever find me in threads on female dating issues posting that "women do it too." You will also rarely if ever find me posting advice about whether men do or don't do certain things.


You will find me, though, posting often in threads about specific treatment that is obviously wrong no matter who does it, and where a hurting female OP obviously needs some encouragement or affirmation to feel better about the mistreatment.


You claimed this is a gender thing and I challenged that. This is not a response to what I said.


Complete rationalization. It's extremely common for certain female posters here to offer the "men do it too" unadvice to male posters, and the reverse is rarely the case. You see, certain female posters here get insulted, internalize, and take things too personally when they shouldn't, then start in with personal insults against OP or others (like some of the early replies to this thread) and commence to wailing away like a bunch of spoiled children at some imaginary injustice done them by a thread on the internet. Men don't do this nearly as much here, and it bears out lots of things I've said in this very thread.


Read this forum more. Men do this and much more pretty often. You only see when women do it because that's what you're looking for and you need it to confirm your biased beliefs. It's to the point that if you're around I can easily predict which threads you would definitely post in and what you even have to say in them.

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You claimed this is a gender thing and I challenged that. This is not a response to what I said.


You claimed that either a) my general advice for men to get dating advice from men who have lots of experience dating women, and b) that I give advice to women here who have usually been treated badly by a man, treatment that would be wrong no matter who did it, is inconsistent. You were wrong and I simply pointed that out.


You only see when women do it because that's what you're looking for and you need it to confirm your biased beliefs.


I get paid IRL to do the very opposite of that, so no idea why I'd do differently here.


It's to the point that if you're around I can easily predict which threads you would definitely post in and what you even have to say in them.


That's interesting, perhaps you and your crystal ball will be able to predict what thread I will post in next then? Won't hold my breath.

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If you are dating somebody who still acts like a child and expects to be treated as such dump her and find somebody that acts like an adult woman.

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I'm sorry. I appear to have wandered into a meeting of the Victorian Uptight Misogynists Club by mistake.


I do apologise. I'll see myself out.

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A man should never, ever raise his hand toward a woman(unless his life was on the line). A man should never treat a woman like an inferior. She should be honored, as a partner.


If she acts like a baby, and is drama; disrespectful, etc. Tell her maturely or dump her, if she refuses. But, you never look down on a woman in such disgust.


Believe me...plenty of men act like cry-babies, needing a real woman to hold their hand.


I hope this hate thread gets deleted.

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A man should never, ever raise his hand toward a woman(unless his life was on the line). A man should never treat a woman like an inferior. She should be honored, as a partner.


If she acts like a baby, and is drama; disrespectful, etc. Tell her maturely or dump her, if she refuses. But, you never look down on a woman in such disgust.


Believe me...plenty of men act like cry-babies, needing a real woman to hold their hand.


I hope this hate thread gets deleted.


Exactly. Anyone who thinks a woman needs putting in their place hasn't been paying attention for the last 100 years.

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Mme. Chaucer

OP, if you're dating a woman who expects to do wrong things and for you to put her in her place, you're dating the wrong woman.


Probably, the right women. For him. Like attracts like, etc. Either he likes it this way, or, more likely, these bimbos are the only women who will give him the time of day. In exchange for some nights out on the town. Whoopee.

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I do test men, though I didn't even know that I was doing it till PUA websites defined it. I have a boyfriend and I have no idea how he lasted this long, because when we first started dating I was at the height of my bitchiness. He is extremely tough, and I wouldn't say he "disciplines" me, because that just sounds weird, but he does expect the best from me. I knew my behavior had gotten pretty bad over the last few years, but no man ever challenged or questioned it, until him.


As to why? I wanna know that the person I'm with is strong enough to weather the storm.

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You claimed this is a gender thing and I challenged that. This is not a response to what I said.




Read this forum more. Men do this and much more pretty often. You only see when women do it because that's what you're looking for and you need it to confirm your biased beliefs. It's to the point that if you're around I can easily predict which threads you would definitely post in and what you even have to say in them.


I hope you understand that you're risking getting put in your place.

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Probably, the right women. For him. Like attracts like, etc. Either he likes it this way, or, more likely, these bimbos are the only women who will give him the time of day. In exchange for some nights out on the town. Whoopee.


Or appetizers at tres chic restaurants.


Never forget the appetizers. :o:laugh:

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Chief Wiggum
I see, so you work with the mafia? loansharks? What's that like? Are you suggesting I do something that lands me in jail? No thanks.




I knew I typed too few examples, and didn't emphasize enough that this is -normal- female behavior, the "attention seeking, shocking, I've been a bad girl daddy type." Lots of normal women do it.


The one who on a fifth date went and sat in one of my friend's lap and stared a hole in me until I noticed her and gave her a cocked eyebrow. Then she got up instantly in a kind of dancing happy girlish way. Discipline, and the sex was great that night.


The friend's GF who went into a near jealous foaming fit when I, who had been a third wheel on lots of outings with them, brought a GF along. She didn't want me, just attention. Her BF grabbed her thigh and squeezed hard, she settled down instantly... discipline.


My friend's GF who makes a deal of inquiring about every single item on the menu and then sending whatever she orders back. He never calls her on it, exercises no discipline, and she has no respect for him at all. She's a pretty good GF otherwise all things considered, just not getting discipline from her man. Oh yeah, their sex has really tapered off of late. Coincidence?


The one in HS parking who asked me why I didn't have a Mercedes like her daddy did, then got red-faced and waited to see my reaction. I grabbed her and made her grind on the floor shifter of my Oldsmobile, she got off... hard. Discipline.


None of these were bad women.


You see there's the euphemized, sanitized, feminized language of "testing" we usually acquiesce to in these threads in mixed company about women who respect men who keep them in line and "pass their tests." When we cut through the PC BS though, it's really all about a need many women feel to behave badly and then get a "spank" if only a cranial one, from daddy. Discipline. So let's not mince words here, and lay the cards on the table. Be honest, ladies, you love it and crave it when a man is "the man."


Or lie about it and then listen wistfully to songs about cowboys and where they have all gone. Choice is yours. Clarity will set you free.


Agree with some of the stuff you say, but mate, it appears as though you get yourself involved with a lot of childish women who are lacking the most basic of manners. No wonder you feel you have to 'discipline' them like you're their parent.

Edited by Chief Wiggum
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Ahhh some threads make me be ashamed of being a man :sick::sick:


Awww, don't be. :)


Plenty of good men in this world, just as how there are plenty of good women. I'm sure you're one of them. :)

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Some women. You abuse them enough, piss em off enough..they'll cut your balls or penis off, as you sleep.


You'll definitely be a cry-baby then. With a high-pitched voice :)

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having dated only a couple hundred women of all ages all over the country and overseas over 30ish years.


Really? Why so few?


I mean I know I am know I am naive or something, but was there not even just one where you said, "$h1t! Enough! Or either I'll be at this forever". I mean if these couple of hundred women were actually typical of women, surely, there might have actually been one, like, that would have at least have passed muster, as long as you didn't scrutinize them too closely, of course, under a microscope or anything?

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Agree with some of the stuff you say, but mate, it appears as though you get yourself involved with a lot of childish women who are lacking the most basic of manners. No wonder you feel you have to 'discipline' them like you're their parent.


I would just note the tendency for him to have a lot of conflict with all kinds of women on this site, very few of whom are the least bit childish. Not to mention his need to put just about everyone in their place, man or woman.


I think the idea of "putting someone in their place" isn't a normal part of relating to people. Conflicts occur in any relationship, but when you have to resort to alpha dog style dominance, you're in a broken relationship that needs to end. Respect is not there. Trust soon will be gone. Why sign up to "parent" an adult at all? You might if that's the way you want to view yourself: as the dominator. In that case, good luck finding a relationship that lasts. You might someday find you've dated hundreds of women from all over the world and never really made a lasting connection.

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Perhaps you should put pen to paper and realize that dating 200 women over 30 years is not all that many, and leaves lots of time for longer relationships in between. Hell I generally date 20-30 over a few months whenever I decide to crank up the match profile. Or just keep potshotting that signals reasonable readers, particularly male ones, that I'm stating a truth here, that you know it, and simply can't tolerate any other than sugar coating by men when discussing women and their general tendencies.


And being single at this age is truly one of the greatest blessings of my life. Very sorry if you are single and don't like it, hopefully better days are ahead for you.


Jeezus, I can't believe you are for real. If it weren't for the fact that you mentioned "30 years" I would have sworn that you couldn't be a day over 16. Obviously the ageing process hasn't matured you in any way at all. Unless this is just one long, very long, protracted, convoluted, tedious troll along the lines of War and Peace?


I mean, do people like you really, really exist? It sounds positively scary and not a little depressing to boot. If you are for real, psychologists would be having a field day with you, keep them in work for ever.


When it comes to being drama queens there is nothing to beat a man either in terms of propensity or intensity. If you want proof just go read the comment columns of any popular daily newspaper on-line, or just listen to popular talk radio phone-ins. It's as ugly as it can get and they are almost all men. All too ready to set the world to right, natch. Just as well for humanity that the vast majority will never get the chance. The rest that actually do, well, what can one say really. When someone says "The lunatics have taken over the asylum" I never think, "Wot, not another woman"? They clearly can't be that ambitious to impose themselves, unwanted, on the world. Nope, siree, that's always a man's job, that is.


Rick Perry, anyone? Just for starters?

Edited by pcplod
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Chief Wiggum
I would just note the tendency for him to have a lot of conflict with all kinds of women on this site, very few of whom are the least bit childish. Not to mention his need to put just about everyone in their place, man or woman.


I think the idea of "putting someone in their place" isn't a normal part of relating to people. Conflicts occur in any relationship, but when you have to resort to alpha dog style dominance, you're in a broken relationship that needs to end. Respect is not there. Trust soon will be gone. Why sign up to "parent" an adult at all? You might if that's the way you want to view yourself: as the dominator. In that case, good luck finding a relationship that lasts. You might someday find you've dated hundreds of women from all over the world and never really made a lasting connection.


Or, he's probably telling tales.


I mean, 200 women dated over the span of 30 years? That's over 6 women every year. Less than 2 months with each of them if he was dating non-stop back-to-back.

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