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like this guy don't know what to do


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well to get to the point i really like this guy at my school and we flirt alot back and forth. i don't kno if it is because he likes me or he is just the flirty type. well my problem is i don't kno what to do. Should i tell him i like him or just wait and let a friend gives him hints that i like him.

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I have always believed that a girl should be "wooed" Perhaps that's a terribly old fashion term to use but my point is.....


I think if he likes you he should initiate the first 'serious' move.


Like what I always say to my boyfriend "You da man, call your shots!" Hahahah :laugh::D


Pssssst! For all you know he could be posting on this site and asking LS if he should tell you that he likes you..... giggles! <Shrug> ;):rolleyes::p:D

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I think the old traditional way of "let the guy do all the work" is crap. If you want to go out with him, why should he have to try to read your mind and figure you out? Just ask him if you want to get together sometime.....if he likes you then he'll accept. If not, he'll either say he's not interested or make up an excuse. You can be assured you won't get lead on, and chased in circles if you ask him out.

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