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Which is worse??

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Hello from the UK, keen reader of sections on LS and i stumbled across this thread


LS is a kind of an agony aunt forum, as we would call it in the UK.

I do read the tabloid agony aunt pages from various newspapers whilst in work and i will never forget two letters i read in "The Sun" " Dear Deirdre".


Type in Dear Deirdre for the facebook page, the two letters i am talking about are not on there, these letters are from quite a while ago.


They were about a week apart, maybe two weeks but the response that each letter got was quite a surprise.


First letter was basically a letter from a girl who had gone to a strip joint with her BF, he paid to have a double lap dance whilst his GF watched. He didnt see much wrong with it, no touching allowed, hands behind back. His GF could see everything.

The agony aunt instructed the female writer of the letter to fully express how unhappy she should be with her BF, making her watch two women gyrate themselves all over him. Couldnt agree more, wrong to do it.

No issue with that advice.


Now for the " shoe on the other foot " letter.


Week later, same newspaper but a man had written in complaining about something that his GF had done at a Hen party or as you call them in the US, bachelorette party.

His GF confessed to him and he wasnt happy about finding out that his GF had been encouraged by her drunken girlfriends to go and touch the male strippers considerable member behind a white screen. One of those silhouette type screens. She said she was sorry she had done it but she had never seen one that size. It wasn't just a touch it and runaway scenario either.


He had a right to be angry yes?

Not according to the agony aunt, who went on to make the excuse that Hen parties and women at these hen parties can be guilty of this and he should just accept that she has chosen to be with him and he should just drop it.


I was gob smacked reading this response as its not ok to have a female lap dance with no touching involved but going ahead and masturbating a male stripper is perfectly fine because she had chosen to be with man who had this grievance.


There maybe a chance that the male stripper letter may have been a fake, cooked up by someone who wanted to test the agony aunts response.

The man who had 2 women do a lap dance in front of GF was rightfully criticized but the woman who engaged in a sexual act, the man was basically told to man up.


Since reading these two letters i have been watching the Dear Deirdre section of the newspaper and some of her advice is sound, the rest is just bizarre.


Both of these situations are wrong but one woman, the agony aunt, thinks that the male stripper situation is perfectly ok.


I am male and yes, i have been to strip clubs in the UK where touching is NOT allowed and i have been to clubs in Spain where you can touch pretty much anything.


What are the LS users thoughts on the two letters?


Please move this thread if i have placed it in the wrong section

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If blowing a stripper on a hen party is such a no big deal, I guess breaking up should be no big deal to that woman either.

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Don't put stock in agony aunts, they're presided over by an editor so anything that they say is filtered for the market, ie. sales.


....but its an interesting point regarding hen parties.


Some letters are obviously fakes or letters sent in by jokers, some seem genuine enough.


The thing is, the agony aunt of " The Sun " does have the biggest reader base (most popular paper) and people really do heed her advice. I doubt its even the same person who deals with the column, which would explain the strange advice that is given out.


I normally read the columns in work as a time filler on my breaks and most of the letters are entertaining, if anything. We all buy different papers and i get to read most of them.


There is a little bit of " its ok to do that " with regards to hen parties in the uk but i think that is more down to the willingness of the male stripper being ok with it. Most men wouldnt mind being in that situation. Its certainly something to ponder over, if only for a few minutes.

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