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Whats going on???


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I have this problem!!!I dated this guy very seroiusly over the summer well he lives away at college and at first we decided to stay together over the school year because this was his last year and well we ended up breaking up and well he said that he wanted to get back together when he moves home, and he still wanted to be friends well, he calls me every once in a while, but I hate that I don't know if he still wants to be with me or still feels the same way. What should I do??

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You need to get on with your life without him. If he really wants you he'll come to you. If not, then you can already be on your way. Try going out with friends or new dates. Get your mind off him.

I have this problem!!!I dated this guy very seroiusly over the summer well he lives away at college and at first we decided to stay together over the school year because this was his last year and well we ended up breaking up and well he said that he wanted to get back together when he moves home, and he still wanted to be friends well, he calls me every once in a while, but I hate that I don't know if he still wants to be with me or still feels the same way. What should I do??
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billy and Taressa

Hi Confused,


We talked about your post and we both agree that this relationship shows promise. The gentleman has been honest, has reassured you of his feelings, and is just giving you both space to enjoy your lives during this separation.


We think it is great that he is keeping in touch with you - - that shows respect and interest. If you pursue him or push for answers to your questions at this point you might push him away since he has already declared his intentions toward you.


Be patient. Don't let your feelings control your actions. If this is real he will come back to you.

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I don't think you should sit around waiting for him to make up his mind. You can ask him in a nice way what his intentions are with you, but in the meantime, don't put your life on hold while he is making his decision.

I have this problem!!!I dated this guy very seroiusly over the summer well he lives away at college and at first we decided to stay together over the school year because this was his last year and well we ended up breaking up and well he said that he wanted to get back together when he moves home, and he still wanted to be friends well, he calls me every once in a while, but I hate that I don't know if he still wants to be with me or still feels the same way. What should I do??
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