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The "What if person?"

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Ok I am just collecting a general inquiry. Currently I am in a sh-tty marriage and that has got me thinking. Do you ever think about that What if person? Do you have more than one? Just wondering other's opinions....

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I don't have a what if person...


My current bf is the only person I've ever loved. But if we weren't together, he would be my what if person.

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I do have one, but it's too sad to even think about him. I lost him for a reason that I did not even have control over.

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Well I have at least what if guy, but he is several states away. So is the other one and he just got engaged :(

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I do have a what if man. I know I am his what if woman. But I am common law married and he is married with three kids. It's never gonna happen. Nice to think about once in a while when you are feeling yuk about yourself or yer spouse has pissed you off abit, but I do know that is all it is. Just a what if. Just don't get carried away with the thoughts of what if cuz it will screw you up emotionally.

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It can definitely screw you up!!! I am the type of person that does not like to have what if's in her life and does what she wants so that in the future she does not have to regret it or not know what would have been, but this was the one thing I had no control over and now I'm stuck with that bothersome question, what if?!!! :(


This is a very touchy subject for me :(

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I guess with me it's just knowing that someone else actually felt something for me as I felt for them. And that is all it was, is and will ever be.


I am happy with my hubby...Yes he gets on my nerves, I'm sure I get on his too! Thing I realized not too long ago though since I am not working I am missing out on those daily 'fun flirts, bantering and joking around' with people. Because of my anxiety disorder I am not able to work right now. The NET is it for me and I guess being here and joking around, bantering back and forth makes up for what I am missing in the outside world. My online friend and I met because we were both in the similar situations and helped eachother out, but at the same time instantly felt something for eachother. I now see it as a wonderful person who I really enjoy talking to and makes me feel good about me!! Even though we don't talk as much as we used to that is okay. Probably better this way, but just knowing I still got it puts a smile on my face!!! (Does that make any sense??)

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I think that all of us have the "what if's or what could have been" from time to time - I know I do. For me, it was my first love. We were very young 17 & 19. I know some would say that at that age - there's no way to know what love is. Looking back - I think he was the one for me and I let him go. He asked me to marry him when I was a senior in high school and I told him we were just too young. It broke his heart and I never saw him again. I still love him and I always will.


I married someone else, who I loved very much, but he was always on my mind. We married for the wrong reasons and I am single again - he's still on my mind. I would like to know how his life turned out, but there's no way I would contact him after all these years. I know in my heart he was the one for me and can you believe from time to time my mother brings up his name.


You never know where life's road will take you and who you will meet along the way - and it's bittersweet to look back and remember and wonder "what could have been"?

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