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housemate issues, is she crazy or am I?

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This isn't really about a friend, but a house-mate. I just need to know if she's being as terrible as I think she is, or if my demands are unreasonable. There are four of us in the house, and three of us get along pretty well, but one girl is just beyond explanation. None of us knew each other when we moved in, and this roommate has been a problem from the start. When we moved in she left all her stuff in the living room and never moved it (a week later another house mate and I did), she leaves her mail, groceries, and dishes on the kitchen table, she always leaves her laundry in the washer and drier for days, we set up a chore chart so that everyone would do their fair share, and she doesn't do her chores. But the thing that really set me off this week was that she left her used tampons on the floor of the bathroom, when I asked her to clean it up yesterday she said she would, but didn't; so today I told her to do it, and she had a fit at me, and put them in a shopping bag and left the bag in the bathroom. I never thought anyone could defend something like that, but she did, and I just can't seem to reason with her.

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You are NOT being unreasonable. The tampon thing is completely gross, who does that?? If everyone feels that way about this girl why can't you just ask her to leave. I certainly would. Have you tried sitting down & talking to her about this, ALL of you, not just one person, but everyone sit down & have a serious talk to her? If that doesn't work, boot her out & if you have to have that forth roomate find someone else.

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Yep - get rid of her.


I don't think I would even bother with an ultimatum. Chances are she may change for a week & then you'll be right back where you started.


Just try to make sure that you ALL do it - don't let any one individual play the bad guy.

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This person sounds like someone who had absolutely no home training when she was growing up. Who wants to live in filth, get her out of your home.

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Originally posted by bluechocolate

Just try to make sure that you ALL do it - don't let any one individual play the bad guy.


This is really good advice.


I don't know how people usually rent apartments/houses in the US.

What was the rent deal you signed like? Make sure you can "get rid of her" without having any legal troubles.

Make sure that if she leaves the house before the time until which she has already paid rent for she gets back a quote of money proportional to the time she won't spend in the house and she has already paid rent for.


(I hope what I wrote makes some sense, sorry about the bad english)

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Originally posted by kiwi29f

You are NOT being unreasonable. The tampon thing is completely gross, who does that??



I agree with kiwi, that was pretty gross, I don't know anyone who could live with someone like that, I feel sorry for her when she moves in with a boyfriend, he will probably run from the house screaming... lol


I do have to agree with the other posts, it's time to get everyone together and get rid of her.


Good luck

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