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How to let this girl know I like her without being awkward


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This girl I like and have known as an acquaintance for a few months just spent 2 days at my place. It was going to be three but there was a problem she had to take care of at home and we decided she should come back next weekend.


Really its a good thing she left when she did because I could feel the "date" start to fizzle, we had spent 16 (awake) hours on a first and second date where we got close as people but not all that intimate. Some space at this point is not a bad thing.


Now I was planning on having a talk about her feelings when I thought the time was right, probably on Sunday, as you can see the date was over before then and once again that was probably for the better. If I had said what I was planning on it would have made things a little weird.


What I have come here to ask is how I would go about getting on the topic of us dating the next time we see each other? Part of the problem is her ex is still in her life but she seems to really like me. The core of what I want to know is if she will leave the ex for good and if she wants me to make a move. Both those would be pretty awkward out of the blue so I feel a need to beat around the bush a little.

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Did she know the weekend was a date? Or are you just calling it that?


Best thing you can do is just say, 'Hey, do you fancy going on a date sometime?' or 'Do you fancy going out for a meal as a date?' Make it clear it is a date.

Don't text or facebook it. Call her or do it face to face. She will either say yes or no.

No is not an answer you want but it is better than having a possibility of yes but never finding out. Plus, you don't want to keep spending time with a girl that you're interested in if she has no interest in you. Don't be one of those spineless guys that feel the only way to get close to a girl is to be her best friend. It's not.

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