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I need to make my girl jealous!

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If you want to know the full facts its in the dating section under "I need to know if this is normal". But my girl wants me to make her jealous by hanging out with other girls and doing some heavy flirting cause it 'makes her want me more'... Is there any advice? Almost all the girls I know like me and it isnt going to be hard to find someone to start hitting on.


I was thinking while we were walking to just leave her in the middle of a convo and just go up to another girl and start flirting and maybe kiss her while she watches.


Im 'eager' to do this to see the outcome.


I was just wondering if anyone could give meh some tips on how to do this.

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I don't think thats normal and I think if you do it it will cause confusion, and problems you don't need to deal with.


If you do it you are just asking for problems.


Your Girlfriend is telling you to do it but how will she react when you actually do do it?


Also, it will make your girlfriend look bad, having her bf kssing and flirting with other girls all over the place. And then you have to think about the girls your flirting with. It's not fair to lead them on and kiss them when they like you..to make your gf jealous.


I reccomend you not do it.


But that wasn't your question so sorry, but if you do it like you planned in your post then yes I think she would get extremely jealous.

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She has asked me to do this, multiple times... Every time we pass one of my sexy friends she nudges me, or tells me to go get it... ;)


I know it isnt the end of the relationship and she wants me to find someone elts... Ive ruled all those possiblilites out... So don't tell me this. lol...


But since this was the only way I can think of how to do it effectivly, I posted to see if anyone had any other ideas.

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Eh. Doesn't sound too good to me.


*Ahem* I had a friend... that had a friend... that had a boyfriend... that wanted to see her flirt with/kiss another guy.


He got extremely upset after she actually did it. They broke up. He was confused, and she was really confused at his confusion.


Hope it works out in your favor.



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Sorry dude, but she sounds confused. And I don't think her thought patterns are normal. She must have issues, she should try to resolve them instead of playing games like this.

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This isn't normal, nor is it healthful in my opinion. It is a dangerous game that can end up hurting multiple people, including you, big time. It also makes me suspect that your gf likes the "challenge" of competing with another female for you.


I think games can be fine, as long as they are agreed with the participants. For instance, if you could find a girl and ask her, "Can I pretend to flirt with you to get my gf excited?" and she said "Yes", then some of my objections would be removed. However, no girl is going to agree to be used in this fashion. My second concern is: Why does she want to bring a third party into a 1:1 relationship, for however short or meaningless an experience?

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solemate has a pretty good idea. if it is planned out with the other girl you are flirting with, then your chances of hurting more people is less. and i definitely dont think you should be kissing other girls infront of her. flirting is one thing, kissing is way more personal.




on the other hand, i will have to admit that i get turned on when girls flirt with my boyfriend... BUT i don't really like it when he flirts back..... to me, it's all about knowing that my guy is desireable to others but they can't have him. If your girlfriend feels the same way, perhaps just having someone flirting with you is enough. you may not have to flirt back at all. you might want to give that a try first, (with a willing participant, like solemate suggested)

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Defcon, what are you and girlfriend like 16 years old?


Because if your any older then your acting like immature kids.


Was I this dorky when I was 16? Probably.

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Oh no this is going to bring major problems. What happens if you like how that other person kisses or you like the idea of doing this repeatedly? If you value your relationship don't do it.

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Why do people tend to post when they know that they wont be helping... I didn't ask for a new set of morals or relationship counsiling about what I should do. Maybe next time ill put a message at the top of my post saying "If you are not going to help or not going to answer my question then please do not post" I dont need people telling me its a bad idea... I flirt with all the girls I know, its in my nature. Im just like that, I do it without knowing it most of the time, my girl likes this. She wants to try somthing risky like this. I have someone that has concented to this and im not just doing it to anyone random... So then it cant make my girl look bad. The only thing is my girl dosent know who it is, so there for she cant expect it from that one person.


Thanks JessicaAlmond for atleast answering my question.

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Dude RELAX!!! :rolleyes:


This forum is open to everyone so you should expect for a lot of people to post whether it's what you were expecting to read or not. Maybe they are not necessarily posts you wanted to read or that answer what your question was, but at least we bothered to answer to it!!! Just like you are entitled to post it people are entitled to answer to it if that's what they wish.

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Well, that's what you have to deal with when you post on a message board. People are going to have similar opinions and express them. If you can't handle that, that's not our problem, that's yours.


And for the record, I'm going to have the same opinion as other others. BAD IDEA. Your girlfriend sounds like a looney tune.

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Defcon...people are posting to your question, sometimes not even reading other's replies. If I want to give an unbiased answer, sometimes I just outright post my reply without looking through all the other posts.


Sorry we didn't give you the answer you wanted. But if you're already a flirt, and you flirt openly, then how much more extreme does she want? That's up for you two to decide.

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Man, think about what you said in your first post, SHE wants YOU to make HER jealous so she'll WANT you more. Sounds like she don't really want you at all if she wants you do that. She either does or she doesn't, its no inbetween. I agree with the others, I think it could cause some problems. No one can tell you what you should and shouldn't do, but just know that whatever you do decide to do, you got to live with it and I hope its worth it. Good luck.



Just my 2 cents.

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Your girlfriend's request reminds me of articles I've read in Cosmo, where the girlfriend is all about a threesome untill she sees her man touching and paying attention to another girl, then it's all downhill. Maybe not downhill, but they find out it wasn't a good idea.


Maybe ya'll should talk about spicing things up another way, together, with each other. "Sharing" your partner can be an exciting fantasy, but for a lot of couples I doubt it's as much fun when done for real.

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i cant believe im hearing this,i think that is some really weird stuff and i dont think u should do it cos in tha long run i think she wil get jacked off and probably turn it all around on you.maybe shes p[layin games with ya maybe she wants u to go do that so then she can go flirt with some guy"???i think its very abnormal behaviour.

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