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does my ex want me back?

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Hey, would love some advice on the situation i find myself in.

Last september my gf and i broke up. I wasnt emotionally available and

she was in love with me. We stayed friend and over the next 8 months we met up every 3-4 weeks to go cinema. We would have a coffee and chat.


In March I realised that i had been a fool and really wanted to get back with her. I told her and she told me that i was 'bored' and thought 'it would be easy' to get back with her. I told her this was not true. A month of no contact passed and she txt me to see how i was. A week later she calls me to say she is passing by my house. She calls in for a coffee and we chat for a hour.

Lots of eye contact and smiling. She goes home which is a hour away, she seemed tired so i offered her a bed to sleep in. she declined. She txt me when she got home to say 'see friends is fine' and that she wouldnt have been able resist sleeping with me if she stayed. (mixed signals??)


In June i asked to my parents house as i was house sitting. she came down for a day and we spent it driving around the countryside. chatting but just chit chat. she mentioned an ex of hers had moved back to her town and that this was 'difficult'. i asked no more of it. we ate a dinner i cooked and after she drove home.

I called her the next day and asked her to go to a concert with me.

She said yes. We went and had a great day chatting about childhood stuff (i initiated this)

She came back to my house and asked on the way home if she could stay.

I said yea and asked if she wanted to sleep in my bed.

After an hour of lying together, she initiated a hug. i held her tightly, i was delighted. we had sex. and again in the morning. lots of kissing, really passionate. she left that afternoon. I asked no questions. But 2 days later i told her again that i wanted to get back with her. She said no that she was not in love with me. but still did have feelings for me.


i said we should not meet up anymore as i cant get over her.

she has some of my things and is bringing them back to me this week.

this is after a week of no contact.


should i say anymore to her?

and if so, what

we are both in our late 20s

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you dumped her twice, you ended the relationship, you ended the friends with benefits, one more time, and she might not come back at all, careful


I think you can hint at friends with benefits, mention it, chat, you two obviously still basically like each other, just keep on being nice to her, she is enjoying her freedom,

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