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I realize that everyone has their problems, but some of the problems you people have been posting here lately are absolutely ridiculous.




please, find it in your hearts to spare us and keep your insignificant problems to yourself or go see a shrink.




Thanks, and much luck to you all.




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This is the Tony who posts here on a regular basis. I DID NOT post the entry above entitled "STUPID QUESTIONS". I don't know if the usual Stargazer seconded it or not...I hope that wasn't a misrepresentaton though. I was sound asleep at the time the post was made.


I do not think any question is stupid if it is legitimate and is a genuine concern of the writer.


I do take issue with those who post here using my name, unless their name is Tony as well. If they don't have the intelligence to pick another name, I do and I will. I also have a problem with people who obviously make up problems but I really don't think that happens often.


Again, I have no problem whatsoever with whatever issues are posted here as long as they are sincere and genuine concerns. I know the world is bizarre and things that happen in it can be quite odd.


If the real Stargazer seconded, thirded, and fourthed the fraudulent post...or the post of another Tony who I have not previously seen here...I highly respect that position but do not agree with it.

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Hi Tony,


Ummmm yeah I did second and third the above post believing you'd posted it in regards to that certain question that had you become exhausted with. I really thought that's what you meant, concerns like that. As you know I was more than happy to try and respond to it NOT believing it was a stupid question or irrelevant. I too feel all concerns are relevant to each person.


I'm a bit pissed that someone has obviously read that post and decided to misrepresent you by posting the above. I fell for it and responded because I thought you'd had enough of questions like that.


That's all I thought this was about. Damn! I'm deeply sorry to everyone, I didn't mean to disrespect anyone's concerns or problems by agreeing.

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Yeah...Tony would not write this. As soon as I saw this, I knew it wasn't the real Tony. However, I feel that some posts here recently have been rather FRIVOLOUS, I do not think anybody's post is stupid if it is a genuine concern of the poster.

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Really sorry about all this. Yes, I was very frustrated at the other poster who could not understand the concept of "putting you on" and I appreciated you explaining it.


I do get very frustrated when people don't understand my posts, which I feel are written very clearly. Another thing that frustrates me even more is when posters keep posting supplemental information after they are responded to, each time adding more critical information. In a perfect world, they would put all important and necessary information in their first post.


It really pisses me off when I give a full answer...and then they come back and give additional information that is so critical to their problem it makes me look like a fool.


But I think when someone uses another's name to make a post, it is really fraud of the highest degree.


I'm sorry you got sucked into this and I appreciate the second, third, and fourth in the way you intended it.

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I think it may just be the season and a lot of people have been partying too much...or maybe just too much "egg nog" whenever they open the refrigerator.


By the way, how have you been?

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Hi Tony,


I'd really like to know who had the balls to do this, it sucks. I hate getting sucked in like that, believing one thing and responding with good intentions only to find out it was something else completely.


I understand what you mean re the supplemental posts of information that should be there in the first place, it's not a fair representaion of the whole story, how do they expect an answer with only half the information?


You give great advice and thanks for responding, much appreciated. :-)

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I have to say I was a bit startled that you would give some fantastic advice to people and then turn around and call them stupid!


So to whoever did that, grow up, all problems are real to the people who have them. You are the idiot.


And to Tony, I just want to say your advice is really lovely to read. You sound like you actually think about the answers you're giving, and they seem to make sense! After going into many sites where the people are absolutely cruel and stupid to some of the people that write in, it has been a real pleasure to find you at this site. There is a way to help people, without belittling them or making them wish they had never visited the site, and you have mastered this way of helping. So thank you and if I have a problem, I sincerely hope you are one of the people that respond to it.

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Are you referring to me when you say: ""I was a bit startled that you would give some fantastic advice to people and then turn around and call them stupid! So to whoever did that, grow up, all problems are real to the people who have them. You are the idiot.""



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I do take issue with those who post here using my name, unless their name is Tony as well. If they don't have the intelligence to pick another name, I do and I will. I also have a problem with people who obviously make up problems but I really don't think that happens often.

I'm sorry I didn't see this sooner. I'm home, finally, and suddenly prompted to work overtime on the new LoveTalk. Is this becoming an issue here (the use of other's names?). The new system is pretty much ready to go other than my inability to pick a design theme for the entire site. Should the new system go up in the meantime though? If this continues happening, I'll want to secure nicknames a.s.a.p. ... Regardless, I'm hoping to have a significant portion up online by Monday. Cross your fingers everyone! :D


Best wishes,



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