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2 be a player or a poet?

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i've always been a hopeless romantic. the movies, the plays, the books, the stories, the poetry. I sincerely cared for all the mushy stuff that lets man get in touch with a more sensitive side. i really believed in true love.


However, this has got me no where with many girls. So i have decide to become a player. I have read up o all the seducer sites and have been practicing my game with many girls. its seems to stir up interests from girls in me. I learned a major rule of being a player is that you can't fall in love...


Well, i REALLY like this one girl, and all the signs are there for something more than just a hook-up, something deeper. At first, i didn't particularly find her that attractive, then she looked deeply into my eyes while we were walking and it was the strangest feeling... almost like love at first sight, but i've seen her before and wasn't too impressed. i keep getting this feeling when we do look into eachothers eyes. I already went up to her twice and i just froze. but i also have passed her secret admirer notes, really good ones, that aren't serious, but rather funny and sweet.


I can talk to any girl smoothly, but her. HELP. should i be a player or a poet. Is there true love or true lies? this is important because this is my last year of high school and i feel that if i don't establish my character now, the real world will chew me up and spit me out, miserably.

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I friggin' hate the term 'Hopeless Romantic'.


Whenever I hear a guy use it, this is what I see in white subtitles under their flapping head. "I let people walk all over me, and then I go cry about and listen to the Cure."


Then again, I also hate the various websites that repackage the same 'Challenge' game.


You need to be yourself.


Because think of it this way, if you pretend to be Tom Lykas, you're just going to end up with girls who are attracted to Tom. You'll only maintain their interest for as long as you continue to play the game, and while you may get laid, your relationships will be superficial and meaningless. If you need sex that bad, pay for it.


You need to work on getting rid of the 'hopeless' part of your self-image, because the real reason you're not getting anywhere with girls isn't because of the poetry, the movies, the stories, the books, or the plays (ok, maybe the plays)--it's because you're the kind of 'nice guy' who ends up putting more pressure on a girl to respond positively to puppy-like drivel, and refuses to allow her to be herself.


Be neither a player nor a poet. Putting a specific theme to your actions is distracting and self-important.

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i'm not an open hopeless/hopeful romantic, if anything i'm a loud jerk that talks a lot and a lot of smack. no one walks on me at all. i don't take anyone's bu*ls**t, and yes i have been supended from school for fighting. (being expelled would be stupid=) i'm not a whimp, i stand up for my friends, while they never stand up for me. My closest friends don't believe that i'm a virgin (its against my religion), so believe me i'm not all about sex. But i do cherish deep relationships that are beyond the friend level. And for me that only has occured in a girlfriend/boyfriend relationship. To me a friend is someone to talk to, yes you can discuss deep issues, but no real concern or care is truly generated as in a really close relationship. i never really had a best friend, just a bunch of friends and im beginning to think that is what im really looking for. And who better to fall in love with than a best friend*?


*wow i just had an epithany.

any takers?

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Whatever it is, something's working against you, and it's not your romanticiscm.


The solution to your problems is not another masquerade.

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yes i have been supended from school for fighting. (being expelled would be stupid=)


Whereas just being suspended is COOL and commendable!

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thanks a lot for all your input, it means a lot, i can't really talk to too many people honestly. this has got me thinking. so can i recap:


the advice given was:


be honest, be yourself. and i am either a poet or a player and they should not be mixed like chocolate milk and Pepto-Bismol.


which turns out to be:


be consistently honest, be constistenly yourself. but don't let a label decide your entire character

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