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weird or thoughtful?

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My exbf and I have been talking lately , as friends. It has all seemed to be going pretty well. He is going away for a couple of weeks. He broke up with me the last time he went away like this. Had a bit of a breakdown. Before he left I had bought him a sketchbook and some pens so he could occupy his mind. I had forgotten to give it to him before he left so I kept them. After we broke up I put them away.


Now that we are friends I am thinking of giving him those things.. sort of as a friendship thing. Does that seem too weird? As a guy would you take that as too weird? I also found an amazing book he was looking for at a thrift store.. it was 25 cents. Is it weird for me to give him things to occupy his time on the road?


I dont think its weird but I am not a boy. I am just worried he may think that I think too much. Thats the kind of friend I am tho. I do those sorts of things all the time.. I am just thoughtful. And he always said that was one of my best qualities.. how I am so thoughtful when it comes to my friends and stuff... ya know the little things..


Anyway just wondering if anyone thinks its werid? He calls me and we talk for hours. We are trying to be friends. Isnt this like a good will gesture. A kind of.. we have troubles but its great we can talk and be friends kinda gift?

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i would say no for now . i think we have something important and whatever that turns out to be is to be seen. He is going through too much right now for us to work at all. We both want something different.. better. Maybe from eachother maybe not.


I am personally enjoying this time of getting to know eachother again. He has the freedom to do what he wants, at first that made it so hard to be his friend. But then I realized I ALSO have the freedom to do what I want. My how that changed the way I saw the world.


If I do have this idea in my head that we are working towards something possibly better than ever does that invalidate the thoughtfullness of the gift?


You know that means in a round about way yes i want to be with him but I am concerned enough for his well being and my abilty to trust him now that I am certain it would lead to disaster. I dont want to mess anything up by rushing into it. Best case scenario yeh we do work on things and have the wonderful honest relationship we can have. But when the worse case is that we are just going to be incredibly supportive and close friends then I will take that too.


I dont initiate much contact mind you. He has called me most of the time and invited me to run errands with him. I havent gone because I have been too busy. He also initiates a lot of internet chat and late night calls. So I am not getting hopes up here I am just playing it cool. i know that UNLESS he SAYS he wants to work on us and he wants me back then he just wants to be friends.


Now I am sure you think I am crazy. But I am a girl.... it kinda comes with the territory ;)


Thanks for the reply tho *

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