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i am feeling so left out and lonely, what can i do?


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my boyfriend and i have been getting along really great until recently. his work load picked up quite considerable and he spends almost all his waking time thinking about work.


i feel left out cause when he comes home he veges out in front of the t.v. or with the newspaper or if we go out he get's into this karaoke thing and it seems like i'm only along for the ride latley in this relationship.


i tried telling him how i feel and he says he'll try harder but he just can't or something i dont know what it is tho. i can't make him understand how i feel that he gives to everybody but me and how hurt it makes me feel.


i sent him an email telling him and am hoping that he wont get mad at what i told him but i don't want to feel like i have to beg to be heard, listened to, acknowledged, i want to feel as important as his clients or at least half as important as them, even a quarter, i don't ask for much just some communication, interaction and attention, is that wrong?


i guess if this is the way it is going to be then i need to decide if i can live this kind of life, which i doubt, i need to feel wanted and important to him i hope that is not wrong.


i don't want to be a nag and whine and things like that, but i do want some acknowledgement. what can i do or say to him to get his attention to tell him that this is very important stuff to me? any advise would be appreciated. thank you, christie

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You answered your own post. If you can't talk to him and get him to change and give you the love and attention you need, you will have to move on.


If after talking to him you do not feel special and important to him, you need to make him history in your life. Frankly, I think it's tragic to have to beg for love and attention. There are so many guys out there who would give it to you without you having to beg for it.


Your needs are being pathetically unmet. I don't give this association (I can't call it a relationship at this point) much of a chance. I also don't think you will be able to live this way for much longer...much less the rest of your life.


I don't understand how you could continue to care for someone who obviously does not return the same feelings.

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You've answered your own post here.


You've done the right thing by telling him, you've given him the opportunity to listen and understand you. Not much more you can do, I'm afraid. What he chooses to do with that will be up to him.


Sounds like your needs and happiness just aren't important to him anymore. Sad but true. Sad for both of you but mostly for him because he doesn't know what's important in this life - not work but love, your relationships, all of them. When he's on his death bed do you think he'll regret not having gotten that client or do you think he'll regret not spending as much time as possible with the people he loves?


*Warm Hugs to You*

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