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Girls are wierd...


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a constant thing...

one day a girl will have an interest in me, they want to hang out, we laugh, flirt etc... then the next day they don't even show the interest of even saying "hi" or act like they don't want to be around me. Yeah, I know that they may have their days, but talk about dramatic mood changes.


Also the Judgemental type. I know people say its human nature to be judgemental, and I agree. but, im talking about the type of chicks that don't give a crap about me, have no interest in what I have to say, no matter what I do, untill the day comes when I dress up like a pimp (still the same me, I just like to change my clothes styles all the time), and then these girls (sometimes even guys) come and do all they can and try to get to know me. But by then, I have lost interest with them based on the way they treated me before.


Its like... Whats going on in the minds of these people?

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Some people are more mature & can see through the crap before others. Forget about them. They'll either catch up or you'll meet other people that you can relate to better.

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i do the same thing with the clothes,

Ive concluded that you can play the game or not. the game of people are shallow and stupid so use that to your advantage because you're deep and intelligent. its your choice but stay true and dont let them get to you.

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