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This all started out about a month ago. I thought i met the girl of my dreams :love: , she was sweet, got good grades (were still in highschool), funny, and everything else i would want.


We started to talk and share our feelings. Then i found out even tho she is still a virgin she has done "stuff" in the past with old boyfriends. So i decided to overlook that :)(past is the past right?) , time went on and are first date took place and it was a wonderful night that i wouldn't trade for anything. We both enjoyed it and her friends told me how happy she was.


But now all of a sudden she seems to be putting me off. I asked her about a second date but she keeps saying she has plans and has been going to partys lately. and i havn't been invited


I dont want to feel like im pressuring her into anything. But when we talk were both happy and talk about are feelings and all. Its a great time but when I want to do something she's never up to it


are these games she's playing with my head? or even worst could this possibly be another guy?


she said she's been getting home late :(

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...are these games she's playing with my head?

<sarcasm alert> What, she's not putting herself at your disposal 100%? She is actually having activities that do not involve you - after you have been out on ONE date? Shouldn't she be 100% bonded and submissive to you now?




Men. Listen, you and all the other 2.9 billion men out there who do not get it...the fact that you have enjoyed a few fun times with some girl does not allow you to dictate her actions, nor call her a "game playing b*tch" just because she hasn't thrown herself at your feet.


Sheesh. Guys with this attitude make me want to become a nun.

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The above post was pretty uncalled for. The guy is in highschool, all he wants is a second date and she puts him off. It is understandable that he is a bit upset. He likes her and wants to go out with her again. And I think the above post is pretty inappropriate.


Ok now to answer your question. I dont think she is playing games with you on purpose. She may not even have someone else. But what is clear is that she does not like you as much as you like her. You need to back up... and fast.... before you fall hard. We all have a tendency to latch on to someone who is pulling away from us. It hurts, and the aftermath is hard.


Try to forget her. I know that is hard, but you have expressed your interest and have been loud and clear about it. Now you need to just forget about her and pretend like nothing is going to come out of it. For your own sanity.


If she turns around and starts looking for you and wanting to go out with you then you can have a serious talk with her. And discuss what she wants and if she is into it. Then you will get your answers. If she doesn't then you also at least know that she doesnt want you.


Its tough I know but hang in there. You have plenty of other girls in the works for you. And besides, if we didn't get hurt, then how would we ever learn about how grand love is???

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Thanks overseas2004,

That one hit the spot, I think i'm going to back off awhile. (If she really likes me then she'll come around sooner or later) :)


Great advice, and again THANK YOU :cool:



and SoleMate,

even though what you said has truth. No where did I say anything about a "game playing b*tch" or having for at my disposal 100%. This im sure is only some puppy dog crush thing. Please think before you type, when i read it i felt as if i was doing the wrong thing for liking her :(

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