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possible liking alot/in love...

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I have a gut feeling this girl likes me but just holding back with feelings. I've known her for little over 2 years where her and I used to work with each other. well after talking some and exchanging AIM s/ns,she just started acting differently with me..more on the avoiding/nervous side where with everyone else she was herself.


I consider her on the shy side,but she has alot of guy friends so she isn't shy with all guys. Dealing with all the mixed signals and everything I just decided to tell her how I felt over AIM,plus knowing she was going off to college soon at the time. well she didn't say yes or no,just said she didn't think she should start anything because of college and maybe keep things how they are. while she was in college we still talked some and everything. when summer came again I was hoping to see her atleast once,so I asked over AIM if she wanted to hang out as friends. well she never gave me a response..so later on that night when I got back on,she had her away message on saying " oh why do I find these things out now,when it's too late" next night" only blessing left to my name is not knowing what could've been but should've" I wish I didn't know now what I didn't know then" even for her away mesages before she went to bed before going back to college,she had this numerous times " Now the moon is up and the stars are out yeah it's quite a sight to see It's times like this oh how I wish you were still next to me Maybe our paths baby will cross somewhere down the line Who's to say I just hope you're doing fine"

Since she's been back to college i've noticed for her profile it says bless the broken road" then spaces down" nice to meet you anyway." starting out we talked some on AIM,though I had my moments she didnt' respond but she's told me couple of times before she's been having trouble with all of her classes which that alone could be stress enough plus she has a job or 2.


after one satuday we talked a little and she said she had to go so I said have a great night and she said you too.after that put her away message up saying " yup"the next weekend which was the last time we talked 4 weeks ago now. saturday I told her I was under the weather and she said that stinks somethings going around,the next night we talked for a good length of time..,she's been silence since which has been 4 weeks. 2 weeks with me trying and 1 +w/o.during that time for one saturday couple weeks back or so I imed her at night and no response..so I got off after awhile. well the next day I got on in the morning and her away message was " awful" later on in the day I got back on and she got on bit later and put this in her away message...sometimes you have to take the good with the bad, smile when you're sad, love what you've got, but remember what you had...... :-/"

later on changed it to this

this one's for the one that got away, and this one's for the chance that never came, hope's enough to keep me going, i pray to God the wind's still blowing as far as i'm concerned it all has stopped...... :-/"


well few nights ago she got on and after she turned her away message off I decided to try well she never responded back to my IM and 10-15 minutes later turned her away message on which got my mind going..it was a copy and paste clip from what a friend told her by IM" (friends sn) and remember that everyone's just jealous of you that you are young and in love" right then I got to wondering if that message is meant for me,or did she outta no where fall for someone in college. only been 4 weeks w/o talking..not months here. plus why post a message like that with me on,for possible getting my hopes up,or why post it in general. well a min or 2 after she turned that on,I turned mine on saying I was watching a game on tv,well right then she got off.


Say she's talking about me here,could there always be that possibly then to consider that she's so busy with classes and working and whatever else,that she can't handle talking to me right now? I mean still think about me or talk about it with friends,but actually having communication right now could be to hard to deal with if her feelings have increased plus not seeing each other for so long.

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I don't think she's interested in you at all. The messages aren't for you. I think you should look for somebody who is interested and forget this one.

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I agree with Moi. I think you're taking those away messages WAY out of context. I highly doubt you are the only one on this girl's buddy list; and, chances are, the person they're meant for *truly understands* what they mean (whereas, they've left you only confusion).


If she were interested, she'd be responding to your many messages.


Just let her go...she was never yours to begin with.

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:confused: ...Cryptic...


I've never come across anyone who communicates like that using away messages... Okay, so it's possible that she means those messages for you, but it'd be the equivalent of an answering machine that says "Hi, this is so-and-so, leave me a message, and if this is sports1 calling, I'm busy Wednesday." I've heard of it happening, but... Well, yeah.


I'd keep trying to get in contact with her directly. While "I'm busy" is often said to mean "I'm not interested in you but I don't want to hurt your feelings," it's a distinct possibility that she really is that busy, especially if she's just started college and has a job on top of that. But if I were you, I wouldn't get your hopes up too much. People change when they go off to school and the people they left behind get relegated to memory if nothing major happened between them. While it's hard to give up on a girl after 2 years (believe me, I know too well) you should be aware that you might have to.

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