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FWB, Casual sex, Booty call?

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OK this may sound like a stupid question, considering I'm 33 but:


What is the difference between FWB, casual sex and a booty call? I mean

Aren't they basically the same thing? Have a friend you have sex with? But

not dating?


Then is it still the same if one on them is a MW or MM?

Does that automatically make you the OW or OM? Still just getting

together to f*** every once in a while? Not dating or anything

like that?

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I could give you precise definitions, but I suspect that you are not really seeking new entries for your personal dictionary. Instead, there is a specific question that is nagging at you.


So, what's the REAL question?

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FWb, you do have some form of a relationship with this person, you might see each other, or talk to each other regularly.



Booty call, the two of you may only converse once or twice a month .This is just sex, no relationship.

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FWB- a guy friend that i talk with about things anyways, but we also hook up on occassion, like when we are both single.


casual sex- is like meeting someone for the first time or just randomly, and having sex. A lot like the FWB, but not nessesarily a friend.


Booty call- i think of more slutty types of FWB.


Now if it is with a married person...that qualifies as an affair.

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FWB: This happens if you the person you tried to date didn't see you as relationship material but can be tolerable with each other as friends for now. Feelings may rise for one or both persons and 50-75% of the time may evolve into an actual relationship.


Casual sex/Booty call: The two terms are the same and seem like the above, except they do not (or should not) see each other as real friends and only get together for sex.

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FWB: a friend that you have an agreement with. ;)


Casual sex: random sex with someone you do not have a relationship with.


Booty call: can happen with almost anyone, including an ex or FWB. so it doesn't necessarily mean you don't have any relationship at all with this person. in fact, usually, it means just the opposite.

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i am currently in a 2 years FWB with a guy i've known over 4 years now.. a FWB is someone u're close, someone u usually hang out with and do all the stuff normal friends with do, jus with an added benefit... casual, yet semi-exclusive sex..

no commiiments ..

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In my mind what separates the "booty call" from the other two is the last minute nature of it. Also, the person getting said call doesn't always realize (not until after the exchange of "hellos", anyway) that all they are being contacted for is nothing more than to scratch the caller's immediate itch.


As for the other two, FWB implies there is a friendship involved - casual sex does not necessarily have this element. Any two acquaintances can have casual sex without being friends.

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