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I come on too strong and Now i think i ruined things


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Ok the first night she decided she needed her space, she texted me in the morning saying don't beat yourself up about it and I texted back, then she said I miss you. So then no contact for almost a day she said I'm not gonna lie I hella miss you, texted her back later saying why do you miss me and then she texted back I texted back once and she texted again. Then finally 24 hrs no contact, she said goodnight last night outta no where I was sleeping but I had a feeling shed text me and she did but I haven't texted her back or anything since last night goodnight texts

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yeah i definitely won;t hit him up for a while and see what happens, you understand it is hard when that person is all your thinking about and im worried i ruined something good


Your totally right, but if it doesn't work out and isn't meant to be, how good was it ? You know, there'll always be someone better even if right now you think he's the one for you.

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She told you she missed you so that is most definitely very positive. I would really wait a couple days like 3 or 4 and see if she texts. If not just text her asking how she is doing and that you hope she is doing well. You seem worried to scare her off again so I would actually wait before asking her out. I would definitely text her something simple in a few days



I really screwed up and want him to know this. In like a weeks should I text him and say I hope he doing well an was wondering if he'd be willing to talk? I think e would understand if I talked to him in person and explained what I meant he is a genuinely nice guy and his family knows mine so I don't think he would do something as cruel as leaving me hanging.

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Do you think that because he told me two days he had been thinking about my question and didn't know how to answer it that he is just taking time to think?

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Yeah I'm hella worried about scaring her off but at the same time I don't want her to think I'm ignoring her, but ill wait and see if she texts me in 3 or 4 days and if not text her and ask how she's doing


If your guys family knows each other I wouldn't worry, I mean if he likes you he shouldn't take long to respond but if he does like you said he is, I'd call him in a couple days see how he's doing and maybe ask to hangout and then talk about it but don't bring it up if you feel like he's not tryna talk about it cause he might be avoiding it cause it's too early to feel the way you do.

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Yeahhh I mean when I asked that question I just told him I liked him but I didn't mean to ask him about being in a relationship I just wanted to know where his head was. So I would like to clarify things in person. I would explain i didn't have a relationship in high school so I was new to it. Would he at least be sympathetic to that and give me a second chance? I have also been going through some tough things in my life and was a little stressed when I was texting him so much about hanging out and I was easily worried and know I came across the wrong way and want to acknowledge that to him. How long should I wait and call him because I want to talk to him it is so hard

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As a guy do you really think he could just forget about how great our 3 dates went because of what I did? I mean the second date we just hung out by the water and it was raining an he hugged me to keep me warm and kept kissing me and that was when he asked if I had had a boyfriend in high school. Can someone truly just forget about something like that?? Do you think he just needs time and will eventually respond?

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Do you think that because he told me two days he had been thinking about my question and didn't know how to answer it that he is just taking time to think?


Possibly or he's a player and he's just having a good time doing something else. I mean he could only forget if someone else came into his life already and he's having a good time being single, jus be patient wait like 4 or 5 days by then if he doesn't say nothing give him a buzz

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Wow tht would suck... He was my first kiss too and I know he is a really nice guy and I didn't feel like he is a player... He didn't act like that at all...

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I mean don't worry about it just think of this as a stepping stone to a better guy and a better relationship, learn from the mistakes you made. If he's not worried about you, don't worry about him.


So I should wait to text her and see if she hits me up in a few days and if not give her a little text to show her I'm not ignoring her and shes still on my mind ?

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As you can tell I hate being ignored haha so yeah wait maybe 3 days and see if you hear anything if not I don't see where a simple hope you are doing well could hurt:) you seem to be on her mind :)

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Ok I just really wanna give her space so she can realize I actually meant something and changed her life being in it you know? But I'm being patient and trying really hard to no contact wait til she contacts me.


I mean if he's dating other girls yeah it's be easy to forget about 3 dates, but like I said if he really truly does like you and isn't bull****ting maybe he's thinking what right thing to day to you, but if he doesn't contact you in a week and you haven't texted him if say he isn't intrested cause when I'm intrested I'm going to text and call so we can talk and get to know eachother more

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I would give her time I know it is hard- haha I literally can't take it right now. But I would text her in a few days but don't ask her to hang out. Just ask her how she is doing.


I agree with what you said, but I have a feeling he isn't dating someone else. He is a nice guy and if he had done what he did to me and let me on like that and then ignored me completely that would be cruel.

Would he say he'd been thinking about my question if he didn't like me? I mean wouldn't you think he would just come out and said he didn't want to hang out. Maybe he's just processing things?

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Would it hurt in a few days to call and ask him to talk if he doesn't respond? I mean if he doesn't care at all then the phone call wouldn't change anything but if he does care e might agree?

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Yeah I'm really waiting for her to contact me but since I didn't text back goodnight I hope she doesn't take that as I'm ignoring her, it's hella hard no contact sucks but stay busy and try to live my life and be thankful.


Itd be cruel but some guys are dicks and could care less, hopefully he isn't just dragging you along and just telling you he's thinking about it when he's really not. If he likes you he'll answer you back simple as that it shouldn't take long for him to respond that why to me it sounds iffy

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I guess you could call him but like I said if he likes you, and wants you hell get at you contact you won't leave you hanging like he sounds like he's doing

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Hmm yeah I see that I guess I will wait a few days and If I don't hear anything just call and see what happens from there- if I need to move on I will but I feeling i cant stop hoping for the best right now.


Yeahh I understand where it is hard for you... The thing is she must know you like her so I wouldn't text her back just yet- text her in like 2 days from now, gives her her space but also doesn't ignore her message. It has been two days since I sent my message but it was obviously more deep than a goodnight haha.

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So no contact for 2days sounds weird to me especially since you dated 3 times I'm questioning why he hasn't talked to you since then hopefully you didn't scare him off

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Would it hurt in a few days to call and ask him to talk if he doesn't respond?


This is a really bad idea. First, off it's only been 3 dates, there is nothing to talk about. He doesn't owe you anything, if he feels the need to say something he'd call. Second, you've made it abundantly clear you like him, you want to continue seeing him, you've apologized for whatever. What's the point in contacting him again just to tell him the same things. He knows, he just doesn't seem to care.

Keep a shred of dignity and don't contact him again. Pursuing someone who's not into you is futile and makes you appear desperate.

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ok I was just asking for advice, I have never had a relationship before and didn't know what I was doing, so I already feel embarrassed enough. I messed up, I know that, and want to fix things. He came on really strong to me in the first three dates, so I was confused and made a mistake. Do you think if I give him enough space he might eventually come back? he seemed to really like me.

Please don't be rude, I know I screwed up and was simply asking for advice- I know I came off the wrong way but I am inexperienced and made a MISTAKE. I like this guy and I was simply asking how to fix things, I don't need you further explaining to me how I embarrassed myself.

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What sent ME the wrong signals is that on the second date he acted really affectionate. We madeout a lot and he kept hugging me and holding my hand. Did he only want that, was I used?? If he came so strong physically with me how was it wrong for me to ask what he was thinking after the third date.

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What sent ME the wrong signals is that on the second date he acted really affectionate. We madeout a lot and he kept hugging me and holding my hand. Did he only want that, was I used?? If he came so strong physically with me how was it wrong for me to ask what he was thinking after the third date.


maybe your just rushing things, because if he was he woulda contacted you about your apology, even if he has time to thik about it, sounds like hes playing/ using you.


Anways i finallys texted this girl saying Hey just wanted to see how she was doing and i definitely missed her. All she said was "i've been good:)" now did i read this wrong or i mean i didnt text back and i feel really bad cause shes doing good and i cant stop missing , thinking about her. what do you think, just give her her space and let her do her thing right ? i mean if she still thinks or likes me shed contact me. i feel like crap i shouldnt have texted her becasue i wanted a i miss you too or something better than iv'e been good:).....

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Do you think if I give him enough space he might eventually come back?


Probably not. But don't beat yourself up over this too much. He probably wasn't that into you to begin with. How could he - he barely knew you. Be very wary of people who come on too strong in the beginning. It's always a red flag that they are either not genuine or have some emotional issues.

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maybe your just rushing things, because if he was he woulda contacted you about your apology, even if he has time to thik about it, sounds like hes playing/ using you.


Anways i finallys texted this girl saying Hey just wanted to see how she was doing and i definitely missed her. All she said was "i've been good:)" now did i read this wrong or i mean i didnt text back and i feel really bad cause shes doing good and i cant stop missing , thinking about her. what do you think, just give her her space and let her do her thing right ? i mean if she still thinks or likes me shed contact me. i feel like crap i shouldnt have texted her becasue i wanted a i miss you too or something better than iv'e been good:).....



I would just let it wait....you at least contacted her and she didn't try to continue the conversation, hey at least she responded haha better than what I've got going. I know it is so hard but I would give her her space now, you reached out now its her turn.


I feel pretty badly myself, I didn't even want to be in a relationship it just came off that way that I did way too early. I didn't mean to be like that at all, just got excited and a little ahead of myself. He is a very nice guy and truly seemed genuine. But maybe because he seemed so into making out on the second date that he was just using me?? Everyone I know says he is a very nice guy and he knows my family so I don't think he would hurt me by ignoring me...my mom recommended that I wait a week and then just call him to apologize for the way I came off and that I hope we could just hang out as friends-so that I make it clear that I am not actually a clingy person and would like him to see me that way

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