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You Almost Heard This One Before, but!!

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It's the situation of hangout with a friend, I started liking her, she knew it for the longest time (I did some really bad flirting), but she never rejected it. Plus now I know I also made the mistake of buying her gifts for her birthday, mother's day, etc.


Anyways, to make a long story short, i finally told her how I felt, just like every other story goes, and she stopped talking to me... We work for the same company, but different departments so when we would run into each other she wouldn't even look at me. (Keep reading, promise it gets a little different; I think?)


About a month later, I approached her telling her "Look, it's not that big of a deal if you didn't like me back, I've never disrespected you or tried anything, even when you're drunk and I walk you into your apartment, so I was hoping we can really get past this and be friends, but if not I understand, I just dont want to keep bothering you"


She replied everything is cool, but then went on to to say "But i'm not gonna lie, it does feel awkward, but I'm not ignoring you or bad at you" (Which BTW, she was ignoring me).


So i left it at that, let a few days go by and noticed no change... so i decided to not bother her..... a few weeks go by and she IM'sme at working saying "hey Danny, i changed my number, I'm going to text you with it, so save it and delete the old one"


She did, and then after that when she walks by and says hi now. I've caught her a few times looking my way too, but we don't hangout or really talk at all.


So the big question is... Should I let her make the first move, i mean, she stopped talking to me? I also don't want to feel stupid or anything like that



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So the big question is... Should I let her make the first move, i mean, she stopped talking to me? I also don't want to feel stupid or anything like that



Stay friends and leave it at that. You work for the same company. You think it's awkward now? Imagine this scenario:


You wait for her to make the 1st move and she does. You date. You have sex. She becomes increasingly demanding of your time and attention and starts accusing you of flirting with other Women even though you're not. Her possessiveness makes you feel imprisoned and you want out. You tell her this and she goes ballistic, spywares your PC, laptop and tablet and starts going through every female contact (including other coworkers and god forbid, your BOSS) spreading lies about you. You try to cut her off completely after she keyed your car in the company parking lot but you can't shake her because now she's stalking you at work, spreading rumor and innuendo about you and all your other coworkers are sick to death of it and don't want to hear anymore so they avoid both of you and the boss gets wind of all this and...don't even think about asking for a raise or applying for a promotion ever....


....or you could just remain casual friends who happen to work at the same company and like and respect one another. From a distance.


Good luck with making the right decision.

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