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Hey everyone:


It's been awhile since I last posted. I could use some advice from the men on the board...Met a guy in a directing class I took in early December. He and I hit it off. Exchanged lots of stealthy glances in class, etc. On the last day of class we had to write down things we admire about each person in class. He wrote to me things about me being kind and someone, one could talk to for hours. He wrote that he "loved to listen to me talk."


Also, on the last day of class I mentioned that I do astrology charts and he mentioned that he does handwriting analysis so we met last Sat. to do readings for each other. We spoke for 4 1/2 hours! Then we went to dinner (my idea) and a movie (his) afterwards. He paid for dinner and was a total gentleman (holding doors, etc.). I thought I felt some sparks, but he's a bit hard to read. He did tell me knoew he liked me before I even opened my mouth (but clarified that it wasn't about how I looked, it was my good energy).


At the end of the evening I told him I had a good time. He said he did too. We hugged and kiseed (on the cheek) goodbye. I e-mailed him 3 days later to ask him if I could get a copy of some of the handwriting stuff as I could not remember all that he said (and I mentioned once again that I had a nice time). He e-mailed me back (within an hour) to say he had fun too and that he would go more in depth with my reading this week and will write it all out for me.


My questions:


Because he hasn't asked me again yet, should I think he's not interested? Do you think he was just being polite? Should I take the time he's spending on the handwriting stuff as a sign that he cares? I'm impatient by nature, but I'm used to guys who like me giving me a bit more. He's kind of stoic.

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Wait for few more days, and then suggest if he would be interested to go out again. That's the best way to find out whether he likes you and wants to go out with you or not.


I waited 5 days before I asked my GF out on a second date, even though I wanted to go out with her the next day....


SO just wait for few days and then give him a call, and express your interest in him...



Hey everyone: It's been awhile since I last posted. I could use some advice from the men on the board...Met a guy in a directing class I took in early December. He and I hit it off. Exchanged lots of stealthy glances in class, etc. On the last day of class we had to write down things we admire about each person in class. He wrote to me things about me being kind and someone, one could talk to for hours. He wrote that he "loved to listen to me talk." Also, on the last day of class I mentioned that I do astrology charts and he mentioned that he does handwriting analysis so we met last Sat. to do readings for each other. We spoke for 4 1/2 hours! Then we went to dinner (my idea) and a movie (his) afterwards. He paid for dinner and was a total gentleman (holding doors, etc.). I thought I felt some sparks, but he's a bit hard to read. He did tell me knoew he liked me before I even opened my mouth (but clarified that it wasn't about how I looked, it was my good energy).


At the end of the evening I told him I had a good time. He said he did too. We hugged and kiseed (on the cheek) goodbye. I e-mailed him 3 days later to ask him if I could get a copy of some of the handwriting stuff as I could not remember all that he said (and I mentioned once again that I had a nice time). He e-mailed me back (within an hour) to say he had fun too and that he would go more in depth with my reading this week and will write it all out for me. My questions: Because he hasn't asked me again yet, should I think he's not interested? Do you think he was just being polite? Should I take the time he's spending on the handwriting stuff as a sign that he cares? I'm impatient by nature, but I'm used to guys who like me giving me a bit more. He's kind of stoic.

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Your questions are impossible for anyone to answer accurately here. What does his astrological chart say???


I would say that the two of you have some things in common and he's pretty slow moving as far as dating is concerned. But if you develop some patience, you may have something here.


Meanwhile, pick some other guys to do charts for as well. Have good backup is always a great idea.

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