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its driving me mad!!!!


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please help me!!!


i like some1 who is v close 2 me, but he is a lot older, married and a teacher!!!! i think he knows that i like him and i think that he likes me. the way he is around me is v confusing, as i am unsure about the signals he is giving out. i am 2 embarrassed to talk to him about it, as he is my teacher and i don't want to loose him as a friend, though i would like it 2 be something more.


please help and reply asap



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The reasons he will never act on any attraction to you is that he is married, he would lose his job, his wife would divorce him, and he would have no money to pay her alimony.


If the two of you messed around to any extent, he would be charged criminally with contributing to the delinquency of a minor and go to jail. If he got a criminal record, he could never be able to get a job teaching again...especially if he had a record of screwing around with his young students.


If you really care about this teacher, you will back off. Wouldn't you hate to be the reason he got fired and went to jail.


Also, you are starting out really young thinking about screwing around with married men and breaking up families. I hope you will someday gain the moral training required to understand it is wrong to seriously flirt with a married man or to put his job in jeopardy. I hope you will never consider having an affair with a married man or putting him in peril of having his family break up as a result of anything you may do.


Now, does that put things in a better perspective for you?

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It's driving you mad because you are mad!


What on God's green earth are you thinking?? Is this the only guy you can find to feel attraction for? Crickey! This is the classic looking for 'daddy' here.


What do you mean 'you don't want to loose him as a friend', are you hanging out with him, going to the movies, shopping, talking on the phone, that sort of stuff? He needs his ass kicked as much as you do if that's the case. Hmmmmm wonder what wifey would think of that?


If you are getting signals that he 'likes' you as something romantic then it's only for a screw, for a bit of fun, stay aware of that. Take note of what Tony's said re the criminal aspect of things here.


Don't be a home wrecker, (not that that's gonna happen, you'll be a you wrecker) don't be a part of that, you'll kick yourself much later on when you think you're in love with him and he won't leave his wife for you and all that sordid jazz. Use your brain here lovey, not your emotions!

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thanku both 4 ur views and advice, i'm glad u have made me c a little sense, but i am v sorry as i can't just turn off my feelings 4 him, can i???


and no i would not turn into a home wrecker and i don't think i would screw around with other men wotever happened!!



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