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Depths of Jealeousy?

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so my g-friend of 4 years went home a bartender on her birthday. Here is the kicker. throughout our relationship she was constantly accusing me of cheating on her. I never did and tryed to convey that i never would. i will admit we were a little rocky, yet nearly every argument or conflict derrived out of her excessive jealeousy. I never knew about jealeousy untill this girl. i changed lots of things about me and lost contact with many friends to try and help with her "problem". What i don't understand is why would she project her BIGGEST fear directly onto me?

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She may have a personality disorder (borderline comes to mind) or perhaps pathological jealousy disorder.


Or, sometimes people accuse their partners of doing what they've done or considered. Maybe she knew she'd cheat someday, or had done it before.

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Sorry what you are going through. By the way, this is a classic sign of a cheater.

They always project the fear of cheating on their partner. I suspect the reason is that they believe everybody thinks the way they do. In short, they are thinking of cheating and feel their partner must be thinking in the same way. I am curious by where were you on her birthday? Is the relationship over? What excuse did she give you?

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the relationship is over. i don't take to kindly to my lovers going home with bartenders. on here birthday i had given her some great gifts and took her to a bistro for fine dinning and (for her a bottle of wine). her and a friend wanted to go out for another drink, i had to work early so i went home(plus i hate the bar scene in town). she gave me a kiss and said "i love you honey, i will see you in an hour". i did not hear from here untill 1:00 the next day.

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Hello again,


Your ex-girlfriend is unbelievable. You are smart to get rid of her.

I bet she will be begging to come back to you in the future. What kind

of excuse did she give you? She takes your gifts and then goes and screws

another guy. I don't see how she can look at herself in the mirror. Did she even acknowledge what she did to you? You deserve a whole lot better. What a waste of your time. Sorry for what you are going through.

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Good on you for getting rid of her. She doesnt deserve you! I know it must be tough trying to understand why she would do something so cruel and hurtful..but it's about her insecurities and dellusions, not you.


I have witnessed SO many couples break up when one person is CONVINCED the other is cheating..and then they go out and do it themselves!! It is a common scenario..

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