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Is this TRUE?


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1. Is it true that really social and talkative guys are kind of shy, at first, around girls they like?


Some are but my guess would be that most are not. There is no definitive research on this topic that I am aware of. Maybe someone else knows of some.


2. Or, is this true for only some guys?


Every guy is different and unique. Most, eventually, after time and experience, are pretty relaxed around females whether they like them as romantic interests, friends or acquaintances. Just how talkative they are probably depends on their level of intelligence, what they have to say, and what kind of feedback response they are getting from the girl they like.

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Thanks Tony. I appreciate you responding so quickly.


I guess i should have mentioned it sooner, i'm not talking about normal guys, i'm talking about teenage guys. i don't know if that really makes a difference, but i just thought i'd mention it.


the reason i asked this question, is because there is this guy that i like and he is really the most talkative person alive, but for some reason, when we first met he barely spoke to me, but then he finally approached me and since then we talk.


My friends think that he likes me and that's why we didn't talk at first. but i don't know, it seems to me that if a social guy like him likes a girl he'll talk to her more than other people.



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There is no rule on this. I think you need to judge whether he likes you or not on WHAT he says to you, how much time he spends with you, what kinds of things he does with you, whether or not he asks you out, and your general feeling about the situation.


I don't think how much a person talks to you is necessarily a barometer of how much they like you...although I suppose it could be in some cases.

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Dearest Tony (the great, amazing, wonderful advice guy),


do you think you could tell me a few signs a guy shows when he likes a girl? also, what exactly does a guy talk about when he likes a girl?


thanks a bunch for responding!

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When a guy likes a girl, there will be a lot of eye contact. He will be looking at her when he thinks she's not paying attention...but if she looks at him real quick...that's the BIG giveaway. Usually, he will tell his friends and it will get back to her.


Some guys will join her as she is walking and start a conversation. Some guys will walk away because they are shy...and the girl will think he doesn't like her...when actually his heart is pounding and he's ready to pass out because he likes her so much.


A guy will make it a point to sit next to her at social events, assemblies (if it's at school), and do whatever else required to be close to her and interact with her.


If the guy isn't shy, he'll just come right out and tell her he likes her.


The great way to find out is for the girl to walk over and start talking to some other guy. WOW...if he thinks another guy is after her that will drive him to walk up to her right then...or the next time she's alone.


What you've really got to learn is that this is an intuitive thing. I give you my absoulte promise. If you feel a guy likes you because of the way he acts around you and the vibes you are getting, he absolutely likes you.


But, unless a guy talks to you, asks you out, buys you a burger, takes you to a movie, goes for walks with you, asks you to school or other functions, concerts, parties, sports events, etc. etc., he can like you all day but what good is it???


When a guy asks you to do something with him after you have had those feelings he likes you, you are set.

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