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He slept with her in our bed while I was sleeping!!

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IMHO I would never in a million years forgive a man who had the audasity (sp) to sleep with a girl next to me. How did he think this is even forgivable in the slightest?


You must be a very deep sleeper. Not waking up to them getting busy right next to you.



Thats what I thought. Are you?


OMG please leave this man if you have any self respect. Remember, we teach people how to treat us, and you are showing this scum that it is okay to cheat on you and disrespect you. How the hell did he think it was a smart idea next to you, almost like he wanted to see if you'd wake up and join. That is sick.


Leave him, it's time....


Good Luck

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are you a complete idiot? i'm sorry, but i can't even believe you would ask for advice on something this rediculous. you have got to be kidding me. you are beyond help already if you are even CONTEMPLATING this scenario.

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If you were posting on here directly after it happened, or directly after the "confession" I would be screaming DUMP HIM as loudly as anyone else.


However, since you guys have moved, are hanging with different people, etc....it tells me that you are both at least trying to right things. Maybe you aren't married, but obviously there is something there since the two of you are attempting to get past this.


IF you truly want this to work I suggest that you get into counseling. What he did was reprehensible, if you are determined to make it work in-spite of that, then this is your best chance. He needs to figure out the real reason he did it, and you need to figure out why on earth you need to say with him.


IF this is not an option for either of you, get out of there quick. You will never forget what happened, but if you can't work around it, there will never be peace in your relationship, or the rest of your life.

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I wouldn't have waited 7 months to hear a confession out of him. That day. I would've been in total shock. I would've made breakfast for him to make him think none the wiser (if I was up to doing that) and then throw it all over the both of them confronting them about their deceit. Then I would've run out and never looked back.


No, no. Make them breakfast, be all nice and the second they go out the door, toss his crap out the window/door whatever. If a gal did that to me.. no way I'd ever forgive them. No way in hell. Thats just cold hearted. Bangin some "lonely" "wife" next to you while you sleep (you had been majorly wasted right?).


Sure, you guys have moved on and tried to work things out..it took him 7 months tho to "fess up" and you still are disgusted by it. Dump his arse and move on. I know I couldn't ever trust a person like that.

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I dont think Ive ever seen so many OMG's or :eek:'s in one post before!

I think you guys are perfect for eachother. If he can sleep with someone right next to you and you no have the sense to leave him. Than your both idiots.

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i cant belkieve ur asking us on advice on how to get over it.pleeeeesssssssseeeeeeee get a life i wouldnt be getting over sh**t ever no way.id giv him what he deserves.

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I don't think she was a troll. Her story sounded sincere. We beat her up pretty bad and did not give her the advice she was looking for. How many comments here were honestly helpful and constructive?

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omg omg omg i have a question for you..................how did you restrain yourself from beating the piss out of both of them when you woke up?i would have went crazy.i gotta give it to you for hanging in the i'm not sure i could ofter one of those situations.as for knowing how to move on from it i couldnt it i were in your shoes either .i hope everything turn out for you

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Originally posted by SoleMate

I don't think she was a troll. Her story sounded sincere. We beat her up pretty bad and did not give her the advice she was looking for. How many comments here were honestly helpful and constructive?


beat her up? some posts were harsh yes, I think a lot of us are appalled and shocked beyond belief that this poster would allow someone to disrespect her so badly. Obviously she is in need of help and some serious soul searching and a self esteem boost....


No one is going to tell her to stay in a situation that the outcome would probably be so painful, he did it more than once and maybe would do it again. I only hope the original poster wakes up before it's too late and she ends up with an STD or worse...a life ending illness..

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I can't fathom that anyone would put up with what her man did to her. That proof lies in the replies.


I've seen people come on here with these whacked-out stories only to see later that they're a troll just trying to stir people's emotions.

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Originally posted by Barby

I only hope the original poster wakes up before it's too late


...Or wakes up to another woman in her bed. And I agree, I think our posts were real. I'm not here to pat someone on the back because they have no spine. She got my true feelings of the scenario. Ick.

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