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What should i do?


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Hello, Im really confused about where I stand with my boyfriend and was wondering whether you could help me.You see I have been with him for 4 months and deeply love him with all my heart but the other day when we were having a heart to heart talk he told me that he doesn't love me as much as he used to and doesn't miss me that much anymore when we dont see each other. Well Fair enough i thought,If its not working out anymore then we'll split up. But he doesn't want to because he say's he still loves me enough to go out with me. Now I feel that whenever I organise to see him its inconvieniant for him and that im making all the effort in the relationship wheras he can't be bothered to try and make it work. He spoke to one of my friends reciently who asked how our relationship was going and he said that we were having a few problems but it's fine now!


Can You Make any sense of what I should do?

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Hi. I think you might be a bit too "available". Next time he asks you to do something, even if its on a Saturday night, tell him you already made some plans.


If he calls and you have caller ID, dont' pick up and let him wonder where you were and what you were doing. Let him call back, then say you were soooo busy you were going to call him later.


Don't call him. Don't organize dates , let him do that.


Basically, men like a challenge. He's got you and therefore he is in a comfort zone. Some men perceive that as being "bored". So give him a challenge.


Dont' keep telling him you love him. A lot of guys feel smothered by that.


Let him know how busy, busy, busy you are, even if you are clipping your toenails.


Men like independent women, not clingy.


Keep us posted.

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