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To the Longtime LS Posters

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Has there ever been a time where a MM or BS came here and identified an OW? or some combination of that theme? LS has helped alot of people from every corner of the A dynamic.....


From what I've seen online for brutal honesty, candid discussion and genuine support LS is great.


Has this ever happened in anyones memory?


Is BS or MM in my situation found this site it would be so obvious who I was... I accepted that risk in the persuit of trying to understand myself and situation before I started boiling bunnies,, and its been a true blessing for me. :)

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I vaguely remember seeing something like that, but don't remember the details. Perhaps other posters who've been here longer will know exactly.

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No offense but every OW situation on here all pretty much sound the same to me so I think people IRL wouldn't be able to tell one story from another.

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No offense but every OW situation on here all pretty much sound the same to me so I think people IRL wouldn't be able to tell one story from another.


I think some details though could be identifying, esp to the people who are in the situation. Example: Lil talking about her MM's kids attending the same school as her kids, the BS is a cop, other little details. I think if the BS were to read it, if she was suspicious of her husband, she'd probably pick up on the fact that Lil was seeing her husband by some of the details given.


The situations in a general sense are often the same, but people do provide little details which if added together by a suspicious person could identify them: from hobbies, stuff about their kids, the area they live in, profession of the MM/spouse, job they do, etc...lots of those little details can be lined up to pinpoint someone.

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I don't know about affairs but I recognized someone once. Turned out we worked at the same company! We got together a few times but really nothing in common. That was back in 2003 or 2004. I haven't seen her here recently.

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I have been here off and on since I registered, and I don't really recall a time of that happening, but I could be forgetting. I HAVE seen it happen on another forum that I frequent, more than once.Here, though, a few of the more "prominent" OW that I remember were banned, or stopped posting. There was one named Angel, who had her picture plastered all over her profile. She had been in a relationship for years, she very much followed the motto "I have nothing to hide". I have wondered what happened to others like Whiteflower, Jennie...


EDIT: There was very recently a case of a guy putting spy stuff in his WW's laptop. He was giving blow by blows of her posts on another forum. Someone from this forum found the wife and blew the whistle.


Speaking of, this wasn't an OW situation I don't think, but like a month ago or so someone posted in the Questions/Comments section I think about how their boyfriend's ex tracked them down on LS then made a profile and started posting to berate them so they were leaving LS. :eek:


So I guess it does happen that people can read people's stories on LS and realize who they are offline.


Ohh I just remembered: there was also another case where a BS found a blog by an OW who was on LS and came to LS to call her out because she believed the blog was about her husband and that this OW was sleeping with her husband, based on the details given. The OW in question said it wasn't true and it wasn't the woman's husband and apparently the woman got banned...

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I think some details though could be identifying, esp to the people who are in the situation. Example: Lil talking about her MM's kids attending the same school as her kids, the BS is a cop, other little details. I think if the BS were to read it, if she was suspicious of her husband, she'd probably pick up on the fact that Lil was seeing her husband by some of the details given.


The situations in a general sense are often the same, but people do provide little details which if added together by a suspicious person could identify them: from hobbies, stuff about their kids, the area they live in, profession of the MM/spouse, job they do, etc...lots of those little details can be lined up to pinpoint someone.


Yeah I don't really follow too closely. I guess if I had a suspicion I probably would though.


Maybe people shouldn't put too many things on here that could be personal identifiers.


Does this forum get viewed by everyone or do you need to be a member?

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Yeah I don't really follow too closely. I guess if I had a suspicion I probably would though.


Maybe people shouldn't put too many things on here that could be personal identifiers.


Does this forum get viewed by everyone or do you need to be a member?


You don't need to be a member I don't think. The only sections you can't see if you're not logged in are the Sexual and Reproductive Health and Gender and Sexual Identity sections. Otherwise, you are free to lurk as you wish.


Yea, I think sometimes people get carried away though esp when they want to get things off their chest, so sometimes put too much detail or if you've been a member for a while, you get comfy. I think it's a case that if you don't know the person already, the details won't really help you to find them offline, but if you're someone who does know them and are on here, overtime little details could tick you off that they are someone you know. The details in and of themselves aren't telling to other posters, but to someone who knows you, they might be. But yes, less is more in the way of details (esp putting your picture, using people's names in your stories, I see names sometimes and I'm like I hope this is just a nickname and not the real names of the people :confused:, or using a username which is particular to you/you use elsewhere). Some of it can't be avoided though, but where it can be, it should be.

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Yeah I don't really follow too closely. I guess if I had a suspicion I probably would though.


Maybe people shouldn't put too many things on here that could be personal identifiers.


Does this forum get viewed by everyone or do you need to be a member?


You must be a member to post, but not to view. I joined a week after reading posts here.

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I have been here off and on since I registered, and I don't really recall a time of that happening, but I could be forgetting. I HAVE seen it happen on another forum that I frequent, more than once.Here, though, a few of the more "prominent" OW that I remember were banned, or stopped posting. There was one named Angel, who had her picture plastered all over her profile. She had been in a relationship for years, she very much followed the motto "I have nothing to hide". I have wondered what happened to others like Whiteflower, Jennie...


EDIT: There was very recently a case of a guy putting spy stuff in his WW's laptop. He was giving blow by blows of her posts on another forum. Someone from this forum found the wife and blew the whistle.


Whiteflower still posts, albeit rarely. I want to know whatever happened to Daisy Love? No, you don't have to be a member. I read this website for months before I created an account. Only section you cannot see is the Sex section without an account.

Edited by CALOVELY
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I recall once that an OM posted a screenshot here of a text conversation he had with his married OW in a game they played. Some LS users then joined that game and berated the MOW within the game and shared the OM's LS screenname with her. She came to LS and saw everything he had written about his relationship with the OW. She was none too pleased with what she read (or about being berated by people from here). It took the OM some time to calm her down but to my knowledge they still continue their affair and nothing was outed to either BS as a result. It was just some HUGE drama for the OM. He still posts here but says nothing about his MOW.

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I recall once that an OM posted a screenshot here of a text conversation he had with his married OW in a game they played. Some LS users then joined that game and berated the MOW within the game and shared the OM's LS screenname with her. She came to LS and saw everything he had written about his relationship with the OW. She was none too pleased with what she read (or about being berated by people from here). It took the OM some time to calm her down but to my knowledge they still continue their affair and nothing was outed to either BS as a result. It was just some HUGE drama for the OM. He still posts here but says nothing about his MOW.


:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:



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I remember this OW who was posting about having a Dday. The wife had texted her and she had denied having an affair with her husband. Then somebody alerted the OW that the BS was posting on an infidelity forum and was reading all her posts on LS so she could follow what was really the truth here. The OW quickly left LS and went underground.


I have wondered what happened to others like Whiteflower, Jennie...


Jennie's MM has separated from his wife now. She posts on another forum.

Edited by Anna-Belle
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Has there ever been a time where a MM or BS came here and identified an OW? or some combination of that theme? LS has helped alot of people from every corner of the A dynamic.....


From what I've seen online for brutal honesty, candid discussion and genuine support LS is great.


Has this ever happened in anyones memory?


Is BS or MM in my situation found this site it would be so obvious who I was... I accepted that risk in the persuit of trying to understand myself and situation before I started boiling bunnies,, and its been a true blessing for me. :)


I wasn't "discovered" here by my MM. I started a thread see he could read what people really thought about what he was doing. He couldn't stomach it but then read on and proceeded to engage in this discussion- he wasn't supposed to do that! I think some people thought it was fake but it's not.


Long read but if ur curious- http://www.loveshack.org/forums/romantic/other-man-woman/376963-my-mm-having-baby

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I remember the BW who confronted an OW claiming she'd written a blog about her H!


I don't worry about xMM discovering I'm here. He would be the one I worry about or perhaps his W. I doubt his W would recognize me but xMM would know instantly it was him. No doubt. I do tell people that I am a member of forums and I subscribe to a number on different topics. I have a rule though. I never ever divulge what type of forums or their names. I also have passwords from my laptop, tablet and phones.


I had a scare recently when I discovered a member from my country here. My first thought was "Oh no!" My next thought was they would have to be pretty close to me to identify me.


What's up, Lil? Are you worried?

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If the BS in my case found my posts on here, I would not be concerned for my own sake, nor for my MM's, I would be sorry for her, because it would add to her pain reading about the love I and her husband share. That would be a cruel twist of fate indeed. So for that sake alone I have done my best to cover my tracks now that there has been a Dday.


My MM is a member here too, so nothing is hidden from him.

Edited by Anna-Belle
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I am not aware of things here but I haven't been following things closely.


I know of other sites where people were outed because they were being tracked by individuals by some posing as OP, garnering friendships over PM, and then outing them to family and friends.


I do know of one BS suspecting that they found their OP but nothing was definitive.


Regardless of what you are posting, hobby, work, etc. it is in one's best interest to keep personal qualifiers confidential.

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As this is an anonymous forum and the site owner has policies in place for dealing with personally identifiable information and members who 'out' another member, please report any such incidences to moderation. Feel free to start threads in this forum consistent with its topic and respectful of the anonymous nature of LoveShack. Thanks for your participation. Thread closed.

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