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Internet pimpin

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Hello, some of you may know me from "I'm in love with a videogame addict!", well I have a new problem. Yes, I'm still with the addict but now he's gotten into something new. About 6 months ago I noticed that he would leave his instant messengers open and of course being the woman I am, I took a peek into his archives (BTW, we live together.) . There were tons of IMs between him and various women. Everyone chats I know but the things they were talking about were absolutely hurtful. When asked if he had a GF he always said no. Some of the women were from his past and wanting to know when they could "get together again for great sex like they used to have". He was pretty much talking to them like he was single. Of course I confronted him about this and he said it was harmless flirting. I tried to let it go and eventually did. A couple of months later there was a new girl and again the same kinds of conversations. We got into a really heated argument and I threatened to kick him out. He quickly apologized and smoothed things over by blocking the girl from his buddy list. That was about 3 months ago and now it has started up again. I'm getting really fed up with this because I don't understand why he's doing it. I feel disrespected and hurt The fact of the matter is that he never follows through with these so called "dates" because he's always home or at work. Usually they're set up for the weekend and he's always at home or we're going out. I'm also worried because today he got a new cell phone. Supposedly so that we can keep up with each other since i have one too. My question is what do I do? Do I ignore his flirting with these women since he never sees them? Do I break up with him? Or maybe start flirting too so he knows how it feels?

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Do I break up with him?


Yes. No questions asked, no pleading, just explain to him that your definition of fidelity is different, and your expectations thereof are consistently not being met.


Or maybe start flirting too so he knows how it feels?


No, that's dumb. Don't ever do that.

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Dump him immediately. Repetitive misbehavior is absolutely NOT acceptable. The fact the he said he is single is indicating he is looking for an opportunity to cheat. Don´t forgive him.

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You said you threatened to kick him out, so this is your place, I take it? Tell him to pack his bags. Don't let him sweet talk his way out of it. Don't just "let it go" this time. Kick him to the curb!

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I am in almost the same situation as you. I live with my boyfriend of a year and he has these PMs from women all the time ... ( One goes as far as to Im him all the time with little hearts falling in the background, Demanding he talk to her etc etc. ) I have put my foor down about it ( Last night off all nights) and am curious to see if it stops. I believe that men like the attention they get from all the woman it makes them feel wanted, like they are doing something bad, and the ATTENTION !! This morning I logged on under his name to SPY!!! Yes Spy on his online antics. Of course right off the bat that homewrecker to be pmed him thinking it was him ... I did respond YET. I am waiting to see if he handles it or if I need to handle it .... Believe me I will not be nice to this woman . And if he gets upset over a online persona when my feelings are being crushed then OUT THE DOOR.... Because as you it is my house I pay most the bills and he can get his butt out .. No woman should play second to anyone in real life or online Look for my reply after this weekend and good luck to ya :bunny:

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Get online with his screename and tell all the home wreckers you've come down with an inccurable STD and it's pussing. Problem solved.




Seriously though you deserve a little repsect. There's a line between innocent flirting and making dates to havesex with other women right under your nose! C'mon now..you know it too. Don't let him manipulate you. It's wrong you know it's wrong let him go.

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