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Sexless and needing it

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I definitely need some help. I haven't dated in six years after my divorce and recently a really hot guy started working at the company down the hall from me. I really want to get with this guy. I haven't had sex in six years and would definitely be up to it with this guy - but that's not the only reason why I would go out with him - companionship and all that. Being out of the whole dating scene I don't even know how to approach him, how to figure out if he is single. I spoke to him in the elevator one day and I try all that eye contact and smiling sh*t but we work in completely different offices so I only really see him by chance. I took some muffins into his company but other people and he came and introduced himself to me but other people were there, plus I was a little flustered. :love: Help me before I die of frustration. He is really hot with a nice ass. I am 36 and I have no idea how old he is - younger than me I think but for sure legal.

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I knew a member of the faculty in a similar position. She had been with us for many years, and a new teacher right out of college started. Her attraction towards him was instantly obvious to us all, and she went ahead and pursued it. Things did not work out so well, and since the two worked in the same department, he ended up requesting a transfer. Things just got too difficult.


Sometimes it is not such a great idea to become involved with people that you work with. If you feel that you have weighed the consequences, and wish to talk to this man, I think you ought to. Being honest and polite tends to work, at least from what I have noticed. I have seen people who do not follow the dating 'scene' or dating 'rules' have more luck than those who insist upon doing so.


Good luck.

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Thanks for the response. He doesn't work in my office - he works for another company that is down the hallway so I don't think that will be too difficult. Also, I am planning on leaving my job in May. BUt how do I even go about finding out if he has a girlfriend. Just ask him. Also, I am sure that I am older than him - are guys into going out with older women - I think I am about 6-10 years older.

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