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Counter Strike Addiction

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Hello People.


I really hate that game i used to play it alot like used to spend 5 hours on it , i dont like the game now but what can i do i'm now addicted to that game.

I have learned nothing from that game except 'voilence' and it has also affected my study life.It's like waisting your money and learning nothing in returning.


Please help me leave that GAME its like a ciggarete addiction.Though i have never smokes ( Thank GOd )


Thanks :)

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that was what i thought....makin sure.


if you own it, sell it to a pawn shop, give it to friend. just get it out of the house.


Then you have to also display self control and not go out to play.

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I used to play that game...perhaps even longer:)



Do what I did...


get a 56k modem :)

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