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Should we really blame it on the alcohol?

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I'm 20 years old, and I've been friends with this guy since we started college. Through the years I've developed a secret crush on him, even my friends don't know about this. See, we were having a little party at his apartment together with our other close friends. We were celebrating because we just finished exams. After hours and hours of talking and laughing the night away, everybody got a little bit drunk and decided they turn in early. His apartment has only 1 bedroom, since he lives alone there. We were 7 and it's impossible we fit in his bedroom so we crashed in his living room. Because we are so comfortable with each other, he slept beside me. I couldn't possibly sleep because I can feel his breathing, and then an unexpected thing happened. He was kissing me, I pushed him away so many times but he keeps on pulling me back, the thing is, I gave in eventually because: A. I have a crush on him and B. I figured this could lead to something else so I take my chance. There we were kissing, while the rest of our drunk friends were sleeping.


The next morning was very awkward. I tried to avoid him that morning when we're having breakfast because I still couldn't believe what happened that night. I went home feeling a little bit hungover, then he sends me a text saying that we should just forget the kiss and remain as friends because he doesn't want to ruin our close relationship and that we were both drunk that night and it was a wrong this to do. Should I just forget about it and move on being friends? I don't know what to do :confused:

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