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Come one come all PLEASE read!!!


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Ok so here is the deal. Had big plans to go out of town today party all night and return tomorrow.


Woke up early to put some clothes in the dryer since I don't have an iorn. Went down and sume guy was putting stuff in the wash I asked if all the dryer were full he said no but they will be! I asked if I could use 1 for 5 minutes to de-wrinkle my pants, he said no because he would have to come back. Ok so that made me mad.


Then went upstairs to shower, no hot water... I bet the stingy bastard in the laundry room used it all!


So all ready to go, me, my wrinkly pants and all... heading out the door to hit the road to meet up with friends to head out of town for our big night!!! Before I close my door behind me my phone rings... I was told that the planner of our trip had a 105 fever last night and the road trip was called off. But was told that i could drive 1.5 hours to a party that will go from 7-9pm. What kind of New Years party ends at 9pm???


So far I have been unsucessful in finding other plans. the majority of my friends are out of town already, and the rest of them are just going to stay home!


I don't want to go out of town alone so some suggestions on how to make the best of my current situation would be greatly appreciated. (I was hoping to accidentially meet up with my crush, but he is already out of town and I have no way of contacting him)!

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O.K. Here are my thoughts..... Keep an open mind while you read.


Go to the 7-9 party. You will probably (guaranteed), hook up with friends/people that will want to ring in the New Year somewhere fun like you,otherwise, they would have stayed home in the first place.


Can the out of town idea for now.... Sometimes when its not meant to be there's a reason(like avoiding a potential car accident).... I'm a believer in fate.


Go to the party, have fun and keep up updated

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