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Any tooth cutting remedies or ideas on helpin' Mama's patience?


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My son is teething!!!! The first 2 came through without much fuss. Last week he caught his first cold of the season, runny nose slight fever and he gave it to me! That's when I noticed he has gotten his "i" tooth in and by the end of the week his 2 front teeth are pushing through! 3 teeth in less than 2 weeks, talk about pushing mommy's love. He's just crawling around whining/fussy/crying, snotty nose and all!!! He woke up early from his afternoon nap (slept 20 mins) and has bascially been fussingboohooing at me ever since. Baby oral gel hasn't worked or homeopathic teething tablets.


Any tooth cutting remedies or ideas on helpin' Mama's patience would be great!!

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Ice cold popsickles worked for mine. (sugarfree of course!)



--oh, and a margarita for mommy

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This shows you what alcoholic's we were in my family, but we always used to rub a "tad" bit of rum on the gums...


I know it's not good for kids, but we all grew up fine...well, at least I think we did...yikes, I guess I didnt' want to go down that road.

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when my little boy was teething I wet a soft wash cloth and stuck it in the freezer for a while then I let him naw on that. He liked that!

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Originally posted by imjustagirl

This shows you what alcoholic's we were in my family, but we always used to rub a "tad" bit of rum on the gums...


I know it's not good for kids, but we all grew up fine...well, at least I think we did...yikes, I guess I didnt' want to go down that road.


Many people recommended this remedy to me as well. It does work.

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The popsicle worked for a few minutes. I think it was more of a "what is this" kinda quiet rather than an aahhhh relief quiet.

DS is a little over 14 months ( 3months early) and I also have a 2 month old in my care. Sometimes life is just full of poop, tears, and snot!


I have heard of the whiskey on the gums remedy before and I am just about to the point of trying it on one of us! JK :laugh:

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ora-gel helps kinda.


and anything frozen, just as long as it is not swallowable.

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Yeah, they make things specifically for this, like a little ring shaped thing you stick in the freezer and it stays cold. My cousins used those when they were growing up, eh?

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Ask your dr if you can give a bit of baby tylenol, they are getting more leniant w/medicine for babies now. Just for the really rough days when he can't seem to cope. My baby neice was quite enthralled with sucking/gumming on the bottom of my cold pop can as I was holding it. It was really cute and she wrapped her hands around it and brought it to her mouth to suck on the cold metal. You can also wet and freeze squishy small stuffed animals, they are cute and as long as he's supervised, he can hold them and gnaw on them. (think beanie babies) Something different for them, keeps their attention besides soothing them.


I hadn't heard of using rum, its always been "a dab of whiskey" in my family but I didn't try it myself for my babes. I second the notion of wet frozen washcloth, very handy and you can keep them in a ziplock bag, then throw one into the baby bag when you go somewhere. (the ziplock will keep it from getting other things wet) Teething rings never did hold my kid's attention.

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I think tomorrow I will try the washcloth trick. So far nothing put in the freezer really works. Its almost like he doesn't want to touch it if its frozen.


Thanks to everyone! I made it through today and tomorrow he will be with Daddy-heehee ;) !

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I was told way back when that the baby teething gels actually swell the gums making it harder for the teeth to erupt. I stopped using them and maybe coincidental but the teeth did seem to come through quicker.

All the suggestions here are great. I also used whiskey as the absolute last resort, just a drop on my pinky and rubbed the gums with it. It always worked (but never felt good doing it).

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