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Is this Love?

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I'm a little confused, and hopefully someone here can give me some insight.


I've been friends with a girl for 5 years now, but it doesn't feel like a normal friendship so I've always been a little confused about it. We were introduced by a mutual friend, and I immediately knew she was a good person. The whole time I've known her the only thing I've ever been sure about is the powerful drive in my body to spend time with her whenever I can. But it's not an obsessive thing or even a physical thing. It doesn't bother me if we make plans an she has to cancel (which happens once in awhile). I don't typically feel or act needy/clingy around her; our interactions are pretty casual like you'd expect from friends. I just have a powerful drive to try to spend time with her.


At times I've questioned myself on whether I'm trying to date her or sleep with her. And I always feel my answer is 'maybe' to 'not necessarily'. Don't get me wrong, those things with her would be nice but they're not my driving motivation or even necessarily the end goal. I don't know what the end goal is... I'm just very strongly driven to spend time with her. It's an odd feeling. I love her absolutely and unconditionally, but in a very laissez-faire kind of way. I've tried to let her slide by the wayside, but I can't. If I force myself to go too long without talking to her, like say 6 months, my body aches when her name pops up somewhere and forces me to stop ignoring her.


Part of the confusion may be because we have different values. I'm pretty conservative and protective of women in general. I get the feeling that part of her likes that about me, but she's more of an independent type. She's career oriented and typically dates guys that would get blown over by a strong breeze. I make sure to tease her about this. haha.


Anyway, if anyone has any insight into what might be going through her head and mine please enlighten me. 5 years of confusion is well... confusing.

Edited by jay23
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