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Unexpected chemistry between women... that leads nowhere


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I consider myself bisexual. My first time in love and what I consider my first real "relationship" was with a girl. I was young, 17-18. After that I steered a more hetero path, though with certain flirtations/experiments with girls on the side. When I was about 26 I did develop feelings for a woman within the context of an intimate friendship. We never got close to hooking up, but there was definite chemistry we never figured out how to explore.


Now I'm in my early 30s. I haven't had any crushes or attractions to women for years, and I've been in a few LTR with guys.


This summer, though, there's been an unusual development. A "friend of friend" who I never really noticed much before caught my eye in a weird but striking way one night. Later she announced to the group: "I have such a crush on [my name], who needs men?" Laughs all around.


After that I took more notice. Now, every time we're sitting close to each other in a group, she'll start fooling around with me. Playing secret games of footsies. Pressing her thigh firmly against mine, releasing, pressing again. Little intriguing stuff like that.


I never thought she'd have the balls to do it when we were alone together, but one night when we were both on the couch watching some TV she started caressing the bottom of my toes with her fingers in a really slow, sensual way. Continued for a long time. It was a turn-on, but it didn't lead anywhere. We both went to sleep in separate places. Another time she walked into the bathroom while I was showering acting like it was no big deal, I didn't hide myself or act modest, and we just had a conversation like that.


She's a divorcee and as far as I know "straight." Also, I've seen this type of behavior before at various points in my life. For some reason this is the standard way women like to fool around with me... really coy, subtle little gestures you can't really call them out on and that seem to go nowhere.


My questions: Has anyone else experienced this kind of thing? Should I just consider this its own phenomenon -- an odd type of playful chemistry with limited confines? Is it dangerous or stupid to consider exploring it more, and if I wanted to do so how would I approach it?


To anyone who wants to suggest she's a bitch who's f*cking with my head, that's not how I perceive it. I don't think she's trying to lead me on, and I also can't see any romantic feelings getting involved here. I think the experience is making both of us feel like teenagers in kind of a fun way.


Just analyzing the weirdness.

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Does she know you're bisexual? It's hard to tell because hetero females do the gayest things such as watching each other naked, touching boobs and such. She could just be curious and want to experience that side of life but is unsure. Why go for someone that's hetero rather than a bi/lez?

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