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Why would my boyfriend (32) want to seduce my 16 yr old sister????

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To me this is pretty freaking disgusting then again the legal age of consent in my country is 18. Even then I see anyone under the age of 20 as pretty much a child...


This seems like predator behavior to me. He should frankly be a ashamed and is a low life piece of ****.

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Because he's a man.





I see. So men are pigs is a very fair statement.


I'm honestly surprised how all of you are like "because he is a man". I know a lot of men that would NEVER ever do that.

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I would warn him about initiating further contact, and if he does contact the police, or at least an attorney who might be able to advise you of the proper steps. At this point he is making (at worst) innuendos, so I doubt there's anything you can really get him on. If he starts making fairly explicit sexual comments, you might be in business, but even most of the guys on To Catch a Predator back in the day barely got a slap on the wrist.


I would not waste the cops time on a 'my ex is trying to flirt with sister' and showing them a couple of fairly innocuous txt msgs. As for talking to a lawyer..does that not = $$ out of your pocket. Why waste good money. The OP should just clue her sister up over this jerk and get the mom to call him back telling him to piss off and not to have any further contact with any member of the family.

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There's a huge difference between a mid teens girl and an early/mid 20s girl.

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There's a huge difference between a mid teens girl and an early/mid 20s girl.


I would say this varies from person to person. I have a friend who is very petite she looks like she is 14, she's actually 22. She has to buy clothes from the kids section.


She get's asked if I'm her older brother a lot, drives her insane. Get's asked for ID all the time.

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Womanhood on average starts at 12-13.

That's not why men are naturally attracted to teenagers. It is instinctual and a man's sexual instincts direct him towards the most fertile females.It isn't a question of morality. Nothing in the Bible says thou shall not flirt or bed a 16 year old. Actually wasn't Mary younger than that when she was with Joseph? Weren't most of the women in the Bible having children around that age? It isn't a matter of respect either. He was just talking to her. If he was going to marry her then maybe he should ask for permission. Probably would have to by law.

One day you will have a daughter... :)

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Hope not .....

I was pointing out the double standard. He thinks it's fine when men act like that as long as they don't do it with his teenage daughter.

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I see. So men are pigs is a very fair statement.


I'm honestly surprised how all of you are like "because he is a man". I know a lot of men that would NEVER ever do that.

I didn't say it was appropriate and I didn't say it was a good thing, but the initial question asked was why would OP's BF be attracted to her little sister. That's not really a mystery to anyone, is it?


I'm much, much (much!) more disturbed by the folks in this thread who want to "get" the guy and throw him in prison. Really? REALLY?

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How did he get your 16 year old sister's phone number in the first place? :confused::eek:


he would always ask ppl (other family members) for their number around her so he could ask her next.

This I learned two days ago when I found out about this and my mom told me she gave him her number and then he asked for my sister's next and my mom told him there was no need.

So at a later date, he asked my older sister for her number, then asked the little sister afterwards so that day she did.

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i txt him yesterday morning telling him that my sister came forward expressing her bad vibes and that the whole family is now aware that he was trying to seduce her and that if he ever tries to come near us again we'd call the cops.


Of course he answere back saying that I am crazy to even believe he would do something like that, that he was just trying to a be a nice, brotherly guy to my sisters (even tho the other sister doesn't recieve txts, he went for the quiet little dumb one who he was pretty sure wouldn't speak out) because he loves them very much and has high regards for them.


I didn't reply, no point, it would just be a back and forth to something we all know is obvious....but he didn't txt my sister again. I think now that he's aware my whole family is on guard and we told my sister what his real intentions are and she is aware, that will be enough for him to to do it. He wasn't counting on getting caught, but now that he was, he will give up and go back to persuing every other woman he comes accross.

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Maybe he was always using you to get the woman he really wanted, your sister, and that's why he hasn't really tried to be committed to you.


I thought about that too....but at the same time, i always knew his attraction to me (i was 19) was sexual as well. He met me wearing a short tight dress and he even told me he saw me as pure. So yes, I was the object of his affection for a while as well. Later I found out he had been cheating on me with one woman for a year, then when they broke up he stayed with me but was constantly talking to other woman. I only started getting the sister hunch only a few months back.


My whole family as well just started getting it a few months back. So well started getting that hunch around the same time, I think it's fairly recent.


Througout most of our relationship I had the gut feeling that he's just a womanizer, out there to get sex from whoever comes his way. I guess because women never fell for his lame come-ons, it didn't happen, therefore it was easy for him to say he wasn't doing it.

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Then I guess it is a matter of opposites attract. He prefers pure teenagers. You grew too old and impure but wait a second you have a ripening 16 year old sister to devour.


Even that's debatable, because he would try to land women of all ages, mostly women in their 30s since they were the ones more available in his surroundings. Women with kids, married women, etc. He had no real filter, i would find txts to coworkers in their 40s. I think it was try with anyone, one or two are bound to bite the bait. "And this quiet, 16 year old won't say anything, she won't take much convincing."

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Why did you stay with this guy? He sounds like a total loser. You should have nexted him along time ago. Why did you stay with him?

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It must have been working to some degree to keep at least two women for a year in his bed.


If you always suspected him of being a philanderer then why did you stay?



He was with her when we met....then we became friends with benefits but i told him we could see other people. Then when he asked me to go steady with him a few months down i accepted but told her to stop seeing her. They still txt, which was the cause of all of our fights since day 1, we'd break up then he'd come back begging saying that he'd stop, months later he would txt again and so on and so on. Stringing her (and others) along. It wasn't a continous thing with her. She later admitted to me that whenever she wanted sex he'd tell her no because he was with me. But keepign in touch was enough to consider it cheating. A way to not burn his bridge I suppose. She hated me because she blamed me for him not wanting to be with her. Eventually she gave him an ultimatum and he chose me so she peaced out (so if it had been up to him hed still have us both)

But once she was out the looking for another started. So i guess he has always wanted 2 women in his life.

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He could have been biding his time until he caught what he was really after.



I think this is recent. I don't think it's a coincidence that we all started feeling uncomfortable around it at the same time. None of us shared it with each other until two days ago. We all had different reasons to feel uncomfortable and it all started a few months ago. He started asking me about her....my mom says he started lingering in the living room all of sudden and other things that as an older woman with experience she knew was off. My sister says he started being nice all of a sudden.


If it had been something since day 1 i think we (especially my protective mom) would've noticed.

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Why did you stay with this guy? He sounds like a total loser. You should have nexted him along time ago. Why did you stay with him?



Tell me about it. Since the first time I realized he was still in touch with a girl with the intention of stringing her on, I should've stayed broken up with him, but he was always so good of coming back and apologizing and saying I was the woman of his dreams, that he loved me, blah blah blah"

It all sounded so good that I believed him always...and yes eventually I fell in love then it just became me being stupid.

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He didn't agree to it, he was the one that asked me to go steady (they were friends with benefits too, she was married), I told him no that I was fine being friends with benefits (I am of Hispanic descent and he is straight up Hispanic and knowing what comes with that territory I wasn't trying to get involved with him). But he insited that he wanted more, he wanted more. Told me I was beautiful,sexy, educated, funny, had a good heart, great in bed blah blah blah....and what man wouldn't be crazy to be with me? So I agreed. Decided to give it a change, I had nothing better going on in my life.


And here we were, 3.5 years later....my self fulfilled prophecy of the exact reason I didn't want to be with him came true. He was every single reason my mom warned me against within our community (after her lifetime of growing in a 3rd world country of trash men, how they treated her, her friends, her family, even her own mother, she knows them like the palm of her hand). Scum who don't have the ability to love and treat all the women that come their way like crap.

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reading back on all these posts makes me realize....this sounds something made for trash tv. Thank you Jesus I'm out of this circus fest.


Lesson learned: When intution tells you something is not right about the person you're with, TRUST IT. We all ignore our intution but it is deff our 6th sense.

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no romantic relationship that came out of a FWB situation in which you shared him with another woman would ever end well.


very true.


And yes, I guess it was an ego boost. A guy telling me he wanted me for 6 months, I'm like oh....must be true. But once was steady it wasn't ok for the man I was with to keep meddling with her. I mean he broke up with her and she went crazy, begging him to leave me, he would tell her he found love so leave him alone, there was a lot of hateful dialogue so I was like ok....yes, they have stopped seeing each other.

But within a few weeks those insult crazy txts she was sending turned into normal conversations. Etc etc.


Then another ex came into the picture. There was a point where he asked if they would ever get back and she was like "no....I'm not trying to go back to the same ****"


It was always just a mess....in retrospect I realize he just wanted to keep me as the #1 as he just fooled around because he knew I'd always take him back. Sure sex every night. Companionship. He received love from me and he liked that. Back then I thought he kept coming back because he loved me.


You live and you learn, haha.


Relationships shouldn't be this complicated or make you cry all the time.

Next time will be better. I have learned a lot about myself, what I do and do not like, and what I want a relationship to be like.

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They can't touch him no matter how prejudiced they are so he is safe.


unless he acts upon his urges and happens to be in one of the states (such as VA, my home state) where 18 is the legal age of consent. IMHO I think it is creepy as hell when a full grown adult goes after a non-adult teenage girl. Sure some 16 year old girls look more mature than their age and dress provocatively, but that still doesn't mean they are adults! They have not matured fully and are still growing metnally and physically. Any older man who is with a younger girl is probably taking advantage of her youthful inocence.

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right. Preference for ANY woman, haha. But I guess younger girls are more of a thrill. He's teaching them something new.


Oh btw might I mention....he went back to Latin America for a few months....slept around, and got a 14 year old pregnant. Then just bounced....I later found out about that too.

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