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Why would my boyfriend (32) want to seduce my 16 yr old sister????

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Southern Cal Dude
because he is a pedophile... thats why he wants your 16 year old sister!



Lets try this again. He's not a pedophile. 16 is age of consent in most states. He may be a sleazeball, but he doesn't pray on kids.

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Clearly the solution is to have your sister lure this guy to Virginia or somewhere where they can nab his ass. :bunny:

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Clearly the solution is to have your sister lure this guy to Virginia or somewhere where they can nab his ass. :bunny:


nah, just inistilling the fear of police should be enough to get him off our tails (he's an illegal, this story just keeps getting better and better, haha, such a quality guy)

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A lot has been said but I'm going to add my .02 anyway.


In a man's lizard brain, a healthy, well-put-together 15, 16 or 17 year old girl is target number one for procreation. A girl this age can pop out children for 5 or 6 years without the potential health problems an older woman might have. Of course, this is socially unacceptable and morally reprehensible by the standards of human conduct as they have existed for centuries. Even back in the 1800's when 14 year-old girls were legally allowed to marry, less than 10% of girls under the age of 17 actually got married.


Even during the the cave-man era normal, healthy men have been able to "turn off" the animal urge to procreate with mothers, sisters, little girls and the like. Clearly, a 30-something man who acts on the urge to get with a 16 year-old girl has a head-problem of some kind. Unfortunately it does happen but I don't think men, in general, should be condemned for the acts of a few scumbags. It simply isn't a "men will be men" thing.

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Mature adults dont go after teenagers.


Yes, both adult men and women can recognize that some teenagers are rather well physically developed and can be attractive. But for the mature adults out there, it stops there. I can recognize that a teenage gal might have a grown womans body, but shes still a fvking kid.


She doesnt have the life experience or mental maturity to go toe to toe with older folks. And for people who like to go after teenagers, its usually because they see someone easily manipulated and controlled. If I was a sleazeball I could run circles around teen girls with the knowledge I have today.


But I dont prey on the naivety of the young. I prefer my women over 22 for maturity's sake. I swear, some guys in this world (and women too) are downright pitiful chasing high schoolers around for sex. Especially these teachers we always here about screwing 14 and 15 year olds.


Let these kids grow up and experience life without having losers trying to troll around them for sex.

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A lot has been said but I'm going to add my .02 anyway.


In a man's lizard brain, a healthy, well-put-together 15, 16 or 17 year old girl is target number one for procreation. A girl this age can pop out children for 5 or 6 years without the potential health problems an older woman might have. Of course, this is socially unacceptable and morally reprehensible by the standards of human conduct as they have existed for centuries. Even back in the 1800's when 14 year-old girls were legally allowed to marry, less than 10% of girls under the age of 17 actually got married.


Even during the the cave-man era normal, healthy men have been able to "turn off" the animal urge to procreate with mothers, sisters, little girls and the like. Clearly, a 30-something man who acts on the urge to get with a 16 year-old girl has a head-problem of some kind. Unfortunately it does happen but I don't think men, in general, should be condemned for the acts of a few scumbags. It simply isn't a "men will be men" thing.



Yes, I am aware of this, that's why I am fully aware that I will find a man who is happy and in love to be with me, and only me, not a wandering eye for any girl/lady from the ages of 15-50 crosses his path and he can bang.

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Mature adults dont go after teenagers.


Yes, both adult men and women can recognize that some teenagers are rather well physically developed and can be attractive. But for the mature adults out there, it stops there. I can recognize that a teenage gal might have a grown womans body, but shes still a fvking kid.


She doesnt have the life experience or mental maturity to go toe to toe with older folks. And for people who like to go after teenagers, its usually because they see someone easily manipulated and controlled. If I was a sleazeball I could run circles around teen girls with the knowledge I have today.


But I dont prey on the naivety of the young. I prefer my women over 22 for maturity's sake. I swear, some guys in this world (and women too) are downright pitiful chasing high schoolers around for sex. Especially these teachers we always here about screwing 14 and 15 year olds.


Let these kids grow up and experience life without having losers trying to troll around them for sex.



Yes, I know it's the ease factor. For years I have read txts of him trying to score with grown ass women and none give in. So naturally, let me go for the easily manipulated, the girl I can talk wonders to and she will believe every lie I spit because she's never been told these things, she's never experienced sex, so i will convince her that she wants to try it, and I will be there to help her discover it. That's essentially what his txt to her said, but of course she didn't understand until she showed my mother and myself. He wasn't counting on her telling anyone, because a grown person knows exactly what those txts are saying. I'll just tap and run, and no one will find out, and I will still have EMVA on my side.


Like my mom says, scum....the older they get, the younger they target because women their age have been through all those lies already and know exactly what kind of guy he is.

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No. A real man wouldn't do this.


Thank You!


1. She a CHILD, I don't care if it's age of concent. She is a child that didn't even know he was implying sex on her but knew something wasn't right.


2. This is the kid sister of the woman you claimed TO LOVE for over 3 years?! You want to cheat and leave me for someone else, fine. BUT MY OWN SISTER? Where are your boundries??


But I just take this as a sign...I would always take him back for "fishing" for other women, that this needed to happen for me to finally be 100% done and never believe his lies again. Sucks, but could've been a lot worse. Something could've actually happened.

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The Way I Am

emva07, wow. All the ways this guy is creepy just keep coming. You sure got into a Jerry Springer situation with this one.


The thing I hope you learn most from this is that your mom has good instincts. She didn't like the guy straight away but she was also smart enough to know not to push your further toward him by objecting. Not everybody has a mom with good judgement. (Mine certainly doesn't.) You're fortunate to have one who does. It wouldn't hurt to seek out her valuable opinions on future boyfriends.

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emva07, wow. All the ways this guy is creepy just keep coming. You sure got into a Jerry Springer situation with this one.


The thing I hope you learn most from this is that your mom has good instincts. She didn't like the guy straight away but she was also smart enough to know not to push your further toward him by objecting. Not everybody has a mom with good judgement. (Mine certainly doesn't.) You're fortunate to have one who does. It wouldn't hurt to seek out her valuable opinions on future boyfriends.



Yes, her instincts are as sharp as a knife. She calls someone for what they are and it's ALWAYS true. She's 60 and has dealt with shady situations both herself and seen it all around her growing up (her culture is notorious for cheating, mistreating women, disregard for the children they create but I wanted to believe this one was different because he was nice, even though they ALL start nice) To her it's always a given that at the sign of anything shady in one of them, it's because it is what it is, simple as that, no need to even ponder about it. It's not being racist, it's just that it's what these guys grow up seeing, they grow up being mistreated, their mom's being beaten and cheated on, etc, etc. It's a never ending cycle. It's the norm.


And this guy took it a step further in that he doesn't give a **** about ANYTHING, not even a good job or trying to find a good place to live (lives on someone's couch), the food he eats, the car he drives; doesn't have driver's insurance or valid license plates and doesn't care, knows he can deported if he's driving drunk, doesn't care., owes the govt 10k in taxes just ignores the letters...Just lives his life doing whatever it is that he wants with disregard to anything or anyone, including himself.Says he doesnt' care to ever get married in life, that women are naggs in a relationship and that he can do without us. That he will never tell a woman he loves her because he will be just fine being single till he's 60 or until he dies, either way he doesn't care. He loved me, and didn't understand why I needed to be told all the time.

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Just want to let everyone know that even though I've had a rough week full of anger, sadness, disapointment, disgust, and full of questions of how he truly felt about me, I am feeling A LOT better.


I try not to drown in my own self pity by putting it in perspective, there are MANY people out there with way bigger problems than me. Girls are actually getting raped, women have been with men who never loved them for decades, siblings actually want to be with their -in-laws, etc, etc. I am

thankful God led me away from him and that there were no reprocusions. I am free to move on, sans children, sans a messy divorce, and sans having wasted too many of my years. I'm still young and will find love and won't be able to if I stay with the one that doesn't.


All breakups are painful, but staying with the one that hurts you ends up being a thousand times worse. Gotta remove that hurt from your life or you will never know otherwise.

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Have you ever seen a modern 16 year old girl at, say, the beach?


There's your answer.


What does this even mean? Not all 16 year olds look the same.

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Tust me he he has been warned the if we ever see him again not only will the family be on alert but so is the police.

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its a pedophile sick person. send the males in your family to beat him up.next time dont ignore red flegs, handle it right away. poor sister yours.

Totally inappropriate and violation of moral and social boundaries, but it doesn't seem right to me to call him a pedophile. As has been pointed out, 16 is the legal age of consent in many states and as disgusting as that sounds it is a fact. I like the idea of sending brother/cousin/father or whoever to beat the sh*t out of him - just don't like the label.

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  • 3 weeks later...

My sister's boyfriend tried to sleep with me years ago, and then several years back, told my mother that he was in love with me (he later blamed it on alcohol and food poisoning - food poisoning was a new excuse :rolleyes: ). A year ago, he told me that I'm "amazingly sexy" - just two months before he married my sister. Ugh. I don't want to be around him, and she hates *me* for that. Messed up.


Glad to hear that you stood up for your sister, but I'm sorry to hear that he did that to both of you. :/

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I recall my mother telling the story of a returning 26 year old war veteran romancing her sixteen year old sister, the youngest of eight sisters. They got married when she was 18 and were married until his death, around 60 years later, with two children and many grandchildren. However, she didn't mention if he had hit on her or any of her sisters, but that's possible, as my interactions with my 'uncle' over 30 years left me to view him as somewhat of a lech.


Why is pretty simple and likely answered prior. Some men have a lot of love to go around and, usually, also like nubile young ladies. I'm reminded of Marlon Brando in Last Tango in Paris. It's nothing new. Opinions of it vary.

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My sister's boyfriend tried to sleep with me years ago, and then several years back, told my mother that he was in love with me (he later blamed it on alcohol and food poisoning - food poisoning was a new excuse :rolleyes: ). A year ago, he told me that I'm "amazingly sexy" - just two months before he married my sister. Ugh. I don't want to be around him, and she hates *me* for that. Messed up.


Glad to hear that you stood up for your sister, but I'm sorry to hear that he did that to both of you. :/


Did your mom just dismiss it bc he blamed it on the alcohol ????

See this is part of what I don't get. If they are so transfixed in getting with the younger girl why keep things going with the older. In your case he even married her.


I think my sister was just going to be a notch on his bed post and that is terrible !!

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Did your mom just dismiss it bc he blamed it on the alcohol ????

See this is part of what I don't get. If they are so transfixed in getting with the younger girl why keep things going with the older. In your case he even married her.


I think my sister was just going to be a notch on his bed post and that is terrible !!


No, not Mum, she was pissed. My sister dismissed it. Not right away, but has since married him, and tells me that it was only the alcohol, not him. She also punished me a bit after that, even though she'd told mum that she wouldn't take it out on me.


That is terrible! re: her being a notch on his bedpost. I'm the older sister, by twenty months, and he is twenty-three years older than she is. He turned sixty this year, she will be thirty-seven later this year. He took advantage of her situation, but she's supposedly happy, so... but I'm hated, because I can't be around him and feel at all comfortable.


Sorry to vent in your thread. I've heard it's somewhat common - my mother was hit on by her brother-in-law, and thrown out of the house by her sister, when the husband said things would be fine between them if Mum wasn't allowed there. This is not about having a lot of love to give, it's just incredibly disrespectful, and in your case, extra awful because she's so young. ♥

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Sorry to vent in your thread. I've heard it's somewhat common - my mother was hit on by her brother-in-law, and thrown out of the house by her sister, when the husband said things would be fine between them if Mum wasn't allowed there. This is not about having a lot of love to give, it's just incredibly disrespectful, and in your case, extra awful because she's so young. ♥


Yeah, unfortunately it does seem more common than I thought, my mum got hit on by her brother-in-law as well, but she just never told, he'd ask her if she was still a virgin, etc. Always looking for reasons to be alone. They moved to Greece a few years later so my mom was relieved.

That's why she pounced at the signs of this guy trying to get close to my sister. Since then she's told me about various cases, one where the man up the street was with two sister and the wife had to take it because he was the sole bread winner at home....the sister was a monster to her, always rubbing in her face that he loved her more. It was terrible. The husband would always yell at the wife that the sister was so much better than her. Meanwhile, none of us knew this was even going on.


I'm not going to lie, I do look at my sister and ask myself "is she better than me?" then I realize it's as simple as a new conquest. She is fat, has bad acne, braces, carries herself sloppily and is super shy and quiet (which he thought would be an easy ticket for him to manipulate).

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I'm not going to lie, I do look at my sister and ask myself "is she better than me?" then I realize it's as simple as a new conquest. She is fat, has bad acne, braces, carries herself sloppily and is super shy and quiet (which he thought would be an easy ticket for him to manipulate).


Wait... what? I'd hate to think what you'd think about yourself if your sister was hot. What would you do? Jump out the window? You're no winner yourself with that attitude.

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Wait... what? I'd hate to think what you'd think about yourself if your sister was hot. What would you do? Jump out the window? You're no winner yourself with that attitude.



Yeah I know. It's not something I'm proud of. I've only thought about it about twice (it's not something I sit there and dwell on) and I felt bad. I can't help but wonder what it was about her. Then again I get my head back on track and realize that it's not about her or me, it's him.

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I'll tell you what it was about her - she's 16. That is enough for some men and the fact that she is shy with braces makes her seem younger. Doesn't matter about her weight. Maybe if she was "hot" he would have only kept it to himself because he would know he had no chance.

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I'll tell you what it was about her - she's 16. That is enough for some men and the fact that she is shy with braces makes her seem younger. Doesn't matter about her weight. Maybe if she was "hot" he would have only kept it to himself because he would know he had no chance.



Yeah, as I said earlier on this thread, just last year he impregnated a 17 yr old. It's all about first possessions with him I suppose. Wants to deflower girls and then who gives a ****? So disgusting.


Yeah....either way it's something I don't want to think about ever again.

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