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Why would my boyfriend (32) want to seduce my 16 yr old sister????

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Guys can be pervs. Google Richard Kern or Terry Richardson. Do you know how many people(usually guys) have called Kern a 'genius'? Dudes(some of them at least) are pervs and lust after young girls. Just because they are off-limits.. plus youth is attractive.. not even just physical youth.. mental youth(naivete?). Having sex with a young girl doesnt feel better - its a mental thing. I know guys who would never go for it because their conscious tells them its wrong - I know many other guys who would jump at the chance if they werent caught. No other reason than youth is attractive, especially when youre older and jaded.

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What the hell did you see in this guy? It's such a weird thing.


I'd talk to you sister and your parents and get a game plant together. Probably going to be awkward as hell but it sounds like the best way to control the situation.

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What the hell did you see in this guy? It's such a weird thing.


I'd talk to you sister and your parents and get a game plant together. Probably going to be awkward as hell but it sounds like the best way to control the situation.


read my answer to your last post in the "too picky" thread. That's the answer.


He was the perfect BF for the first 3 yrs....went to Honduras for almost a year so I guess adopted the machista mentality from the ignorant men who act like this down there and came back having impregnated a girl, wanting to cheat every which way and telling me how women should behave. Things he didn't do before.

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And this guy took it a step further in that he doesn't give a **** about ANYTHING, not even a good job or trying to find a good place to live (lives on someone's couch), the food he eats, the car he drives; doesn't have driver's insurance or valid license plates and doesn't care, knows he can deported if he's driving drunk, doesn't care., owes the govt 10k in taxes just ignores the letters...Just lives his life doing whatever it is that he wants with disregard to anything or anyone, including himself.Says he doesnt' care to ever get married in life, that women are naggs in a relationship and that he can do without us. That he will never tell a woman he loves her because he will be just fine being single till he's 60 or until he dies, either way he doesn't care. He loved me, and didn't understand why I needed to be told all the time.


He was the perfect BF for the first 3 yrs....went to Honduras for almost a year so I guess adopted the machista mentality from the ignorant men who act like this down there and came back having impregnated a girl, wanting to cheat every which way and telling me how women should behave. Things he didn't do before.

Doesn't that totally contradict? :confused:

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