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When a guy says...


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When a guy says that he's "mine", does that mean that he is going to be my boyfriend? I was dating this guy for a while, but there was no real commitement until a few days ago when we fooled around a bit. After that he said that he is "mine" but I'm not sure if that meant that he was just going to fool around with me more, or that he actually decided to commit to the relationship. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks.

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For a committed relationship to exist, both parties have to be in agreement. Since you don't know what the situation is, then he is not yet "yours."


When both of you agree that the relationship is an exclusive relationship and the two of you are an item, then you have a committment to each other. He cannot be YOURS and you cannot be HIS until both of you agree to it.


So, the next time you talk to him you will have to ask him to clarify what he said...ask him what he meant.


If you have to put up a post on the Internet to understand what a guy meant to say, your relationship is starting out with some pretty sorry communication...which is a big warning sign. If the communication doesn't improve, the two of you don't stand a chance in hell of lasting.


Furthermore, it would be pretty presumptuous of anyone who reads you post to even begin to second guess this guy. Only he can tell you what he meant.

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Usually it means that you two are exclusive. I know I don't say a guy is 'mine' unless I know it's just me and him, without anyone else in the picture. Your best bet would probibly be to ask him though, nobody can know what was on his mind better than himself!! Good luck.

When a guy says that he's "mine", does that mean that he is going to be my boyfriend? I was dating this guy for a while, but there was no real commitement until a few days ago when we fooled around a bit. After that he said that he is "mine" but I'm not sure if that meant that he was just going to fool around with me more, or that he actually decided to commit to the relationship. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks.
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Fooling around and a committed relationship are two different things. Is he acting like he's "yours" in other ways, or is it just when you are fooling around? My guess would be that if you cannot tell that he is yours, they are just words that sound good at the moment.

Usually it means that you two are exclusive. I know I don't say a guy is 'mine' unless I know it's just me and him, without anyone else in the picture. Your best bet would probibly be to ask him though, nobody can know what was on his mind better than himself!! Good luck.
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