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How common is this?

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I've had some history with catching exes cheating on me by either walking directly in on their little party (with mutual "friends"), or by indirect means such as finding used condom wrappers and tossed clothing that I didn't recognize.


It's made me almost hyper vigilant or at least hyper aware of how people are relating to each other around me. It's almost kind of like I've garnered a form of PTSD from these situations and worry that I might jump to conclusions, when nothing is there.


So my question is, how common is it for you have sexual relations your "friends"? Of the all the people you have known how common how many of them have sexual relations with their "friends"?


Do you find that your relationship history contains more than one cheater? Or worse, how many of you think you are attracted to people who will cheat on you?

Edited by twixed
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You can't give everyone you date the "cheater" title til they've actually done it. I may be completely off here, but I think that it just so happens that you've been cheated on so many times it's burned your self-esteem. Not everyone is out to hurt you, not everyone plans on sleeping with your "friends" Don't judge someone from past circumstances. You may actually throw a good person away with your thoughts of them possibly going to cheat on you.. Good Luck!


To answer one of your questions though.. I think people become vulnerable to a certain type of persona, so yes I suppose it is common for someone to date more than one cheater. But it doesn't mean everyone will be a cheater..

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