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Don't know how to ask a girl for a date

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Ahh. There's this girl that i wanted to date with, she's kinda shy (me too) I really don't know how to ask her...





We've been bestfriends for 3 years. I've proposed my feelings for her and she said that she like's me too.





She said that she needed to finish college first before having a relationship.






I just wanted to ask her for a date.

can someone help me how to ask a girl for a date?

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"Would you like to go on a(n) X date with me?" where X is the date being suggested.


Such as "Would you like to go on a dinner date with me?", "Would you like to go on a scuba diving date with me?", "Would you like to go on a homicidal date with me?", or whatever else you fancy.

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Just go up to a girl and say "Hey, im so and so, I was wondering if I could take you out some time? I have a trunk full of rope, duct tape, zip ties, and various other things. We could have a great time :D "

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It helps to make use of shared interests and favorite locations when proposing a date.


A great way for you two to enjoy one on one time without making the relationship too serious is to propose having lunch or dinner together; if you've already done so, you can suggest a location slightly more upscale than usual.


Let us know what kind of date you decide on. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

its going to be a hard transition between a best friend and more then a best friend. the reason why i say that is because she has created a profile of your as a best friend. So it will be hard for her to see what is cause by beginning a best friend and what is actually boyfriend material.


If you want to date her you must stop being her best friend but try changing your profile with her emotions. you have to try and remove the best friend emotions from her but create boy friend emotion with. its going to be hard but its what you need to do. let me shear what you should look out for as best friend character.


Best friend character


  • Do everything together
  • pay things together as friends
  • always see each other as friends nothing more
  • family see you guys together and know they just friend
  • its about us


Boyfriend Character

  • its about her
  • its about her time
  • its about her space
  • its what she like that matter
  • i will pay not you
  • she needs a strong icon
  • she is looking for someone she can depend on
  • its about you making the right dession for her
  • she must know that you are always think of her
  • and more


Dont mistaken the list about boyfriend character as doing it all but you have to be creative girls dont really like try-hards they want to feel normal sometimes. they also want to feel that the guy has his own life as well and also does not want you to be on her case all of the time this is sometime see by girls as over protected. and thats not a good thing as she will have male friends that she want to be around with at times you also need to respect those feelings.


but when she say she has to wait after college that is not true she really doesn't know if she is ready. you have to give her confident about you that you will provide everything she needs and will always be there even if she gets to college.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Don't ask her on a "date" -- simply suggest to her something you would like to do. For example: Don't Say "Would you like to go to the movie with me"; Instead say - "Let's go see that [new movie name here], it is supposed to be really [good, funny, great, etc. ]". If she says "When is it playing?" that is about as good as saying "OK". Don't seem indecisive (or overpowering), simply suggest a time. If she can't make it - suggest another.


She already likes being around you or you would not be best friends.


Many years ago when I was in High School we had a dance called the "Saddie Hawkins" dance in the school gym every year. It is a "backwards dance" where the girl asks the guy, and she picks him up (and drops him off at home) and SHE pays for everything. I had been walking this girl from one of my classes home for a while but I considered her just a girl, nothing more. I walked her home one day and she invited me in for a snack. She must have 'hinted' at taking me to this dance for an hour and I wasn't getting the hint -- so her older brother came out and announced "or for the love of God - she wants you to go to the Saddie Hawkins dance with her"! I looked at her kind of dumbfounded and she shyly said "would you?". I stammered a bit and said "Sure".


After the dance she took me home and walked me up to the door. We stood and talked for about 15 minutes when I heard my mother's voice through the livingroom window - "Just Kiss her -- all this drama is too much for me!" We both looked at each other and she said "well, it is kind of tradional" and we kissed. That began the screwiest 5 year relationship of my life!!!


Moral to the story -- don't beat around the bush. Suggest something and if she goes for it -- Kiss her at the end of the night. That one kiss will change a whole lot ...

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Don't ask her on a "date" -- simply suggest to her something you would like to do. For example: Don't Say "Would you like to go to the movie with me"; Instead say - "Let's go see that [new movie name here], it is supposed to be really [good, funny, great, etc. ]". If she says "When is it playing?" that is about as good as saying "OK". Don't seem indecisive (or overpowering), simply suggest a time. If she can't make it - suggest another.


She already likes being around you or you would not be best friends.


Many years ago when I was in High School we had a dance called the "Saddie Hawkins" dance in the school gym every year. It is a "backwards dance" where the girl asks the guy, and she picks him up (and drops him off at home) and SHE pays for everything. I had been walking this girl from one of my classes home for a while but I considered her just a girl, nothing more. I walked her home one day and she invited me in for a snack. She must have 'hinted' at taking me to this dance for an hour and I wasn't getting the hint -- so her older brother came out and announced "or for the love of God - she wants you to go to the Saddie Hawkins dance with her"! I looked at her kind of dumbfounded and she shyly said "would you?". I stammered a bit and said "Sure".


After the dance she took me home and walked me up to the door. We stood and talked for about 15 minutes when I heard my mother's voice through the livingroom window - "Just Kiss her -- all this drama is too much for me!" We both looked at each other and she said "well, it is kind of tradional" and we kissed. That began the screwiest 5 year relationship of my life!!!


Moral to the story -- don't beat around the bush. Suggest something and if she goes for it -- Kiss her at the end of the night. That one kiss will change a whole lot ...

I heard of these sadie hawkins dances. They didn't have them in middle/high school though. I guess it's a regional thing.

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Don't ask her on a "date" -- simply suggest to her something you would like to do. For example: Don't Say "Would you like to go to the movie with me"; Instead say - "Let's go see that [new movie name here], it is supposed to be really [good, funny, great, etc. ]". If she says "When is it playing?" that is about as good as saying "OK". Don't seem indecisive (or overpowering), simply suggest a time. If she can't make it - suggest another.


She already likes being around you or you would not be best friends.


Many years ago when I was in High School we had a dance called the "Saddie Hawkins" dance in the school gym every year. It is a "backwards dance" where the girl asks the guy, and she picks him up (and drops him off at home) and SHE pays for everything. I had been walking this girl from one of my classes home for a while but I considered her just a girl, nothing more. I walked her home one day and she invited me in for a snack. She must have 'hinted' at taking me to this dance for an hour and I wasn't getting the hint -- so her older brother came out and announced "or for the love of God - she wants you to go to the Saddie Hawkins dance with her"! I looked at her kind of dumbfounded and she shyly said "would you?". I stammered a bit and said "Sure".


After the dance she took me home and walked me up to the door. We stood and talked for about 15 minutes when I heard my mother's voice through the livingroom window - "Just Kiss her -- all this drama is too much for me!" We both looked at each other and she said "well, it is kind of tradional" and we kissed. That began the screwiest 5 year relationship of my life!!!


Moral to the story -- don't beat around the bush. Suggest something and if she goes for it -- Kiss her at the end of the night. That one kiss will change a whole lot ...


Good advice and good story!

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Good advice and good story!


Good advice. Wish I'd had access to it decades ago. I've never asked a girl out, but luckily a few asked me. Don't wait! Tomorrow is not guaranteed, but it often arrives with regret. Live for today!

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