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Is it a mere illusion?

Mui Mui

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Please be patient when you reading my story ...


I am from Singapore, but is now in the States for my higher degree.


When I was still in Sing., there was a boy among


my classmates. Maybe he should not be regarded


as particularly "agressive" and "loathsome",


but he was very straightforward and some people told me that he did not hesitate in talking about his view


points, in an "unpolished" way, even when his ideas were different from those of others.


Among his other classmates, the girls disliked


him most. I don't know the exact reason, because


I did not belong to their circle (well, he and several


of them lived on campus, and therefore always


had dinner together - despite the fact that


he was intensely disliked). A girl, whom people secretly thought


should make a fine pair with him (their


appearance matched , maybe), started out to like


him, then hated him, and babbled a lot of complaints


about him. Another girl complained that he


was like a barbarian and had no consideration


for others (esp. girls). Once, she even demanded to


be switched to another group, when accidentally and fatefully, she was arranged to work with him under the same professor (though no cooperation was needed actually).


I was not familiar and close to him, as I knew him only


in the fall of 1997, and rarely met him alone,


except I had a certain class with him and the others.


In the summer of 1998, for some reason he


switched his office room, and came to share with my office


(together with two other classmate-colleagues) -


those who hated him say it was probably because


he ultimately could not bear to be with them in the


same office, and prefered a quieter environment


(mine room was quieter and had fewer people) - because


he was always so "selfish" and did not want to share his things with others ...


Since then, we became more familiar to each other -


though not exactly "friendly"


In summer, before I graduated, I had to attend an oral


test and give a presentation of some sort. Nobody


attended this sort of test, save for the professors


who acted as examiners and myself. It happened that


I mentioned the test in our conversation, and


he initiated to be present there. Was it because


I looked worried - and he wanted to give support?


Or did he want to gain some sort of experience? (it will be his turn next year) Or was it due to his curiosity?


(well, his classmates would definitely say he


had nothing to do, or wanted to please the teachers there)


After the test, we seemed to have become friendlier.


I discovered that he was not as bad as others said


him to be. He was no barbarian, and not formidable


at all. For most of the time he was quite nice, talkative,


smart and sometimes quite humourous.


I thought people had merely been "unfair" to him


and giving him such bad comments. Or it might be that


I had never really been close to him, and


therefore did not have the chance to discover


his "worst" qualities ...


Well, all the time I told him and other classmates,


that I would stay in the same school for another 2 years.


But secretly I had another plan. One day I revealed to them


that I would leave school, but I would tell them my exact plan when time was ripe.


A few weeks later, the boy learnt my plan from


his professor (!) and knowing that I


was in the computer room, he came in on purpose


and talked about the whole thing with me.


I was going to the top (toppest really!) graduate school


in the States, and my future (optimistically)


is as promising as could be, in just three years.


I thought he was envious (at least he seemed to be)


and I somehow felt embarrassed - because I


did not use to be praised and admired in such a straightforward manner.


When talking about his own future, he seemed


more uncertain and confused.


Well, now I am in the States, and working fine.


However, though I seemed to have had a fine time


with that boy, we did not contact each other anymore.


To be frank, I don't think we really are so "friendly"




DEFINITION. But I do think that we would have


become much friendlier had I stayed in the same school.


I loved to talk to my family about my friends at school.


Strangely, my mom and sister think that the boy really "liked" me - at least according to my story, what


other people thought about him, and how he had treated me


in the extremely short time we got on together.


I had not thought of this before. But then,


after hearing what they said, and thinking about


what happened after the lapse of half a year,


I began to feel that they might not be totally "wrong" ...


Or is it just an illusion of mine, borne out


of loneliness?


However, when I thought of the fact that he had


not sent an email to me, or contacted me,


I began to feel sad. Of course, he did not


have my email add. But one of his female


classmates (one that criticises him frequently)


does have it. And if he had given me his


email address before I left school, I would gladly


have sent him mails (as a friend, perhaps) by now.


Sometimes, I really miss him. Perhaps it's cos


I dont have many friends, particularly,


friends like him who are so nice and yet sincere (at least


he appeared so ...)


Sorry for boring you with such a long, uninteresting


episode of my life. But based on what I told you,


do you honestly think that the boy might


in fact "like" me? But whether the answer is yes


or no, I can't help feeling disappointed, because


if yes, why doesn't he try to get in touch with me?


if no, he really seemed so friendly !

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Well, I just want to add that I discovered


later from those who dislike him


that he in fact had a more "complicated"


background than most of us (this is the word


they use to describe him) - regarding


the type of job he did before he was in this school.


But then, I never implied that I did


not want to get in touch with those


whose background is different from myself!


It really makes me so sad! It is unfair -


could he possibly see me just like the others?

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Well it seems you could be also lonely like


many of us out here in the trenches of Life.


He also might have just wanted to make you


and want to be more than friends, which seems


to be a crime these days. So many women these days


dont' really want a nice, caring , loving, giving,


generous man. They look at these men as not manly,


tough and rugged. You keep searching and God will show


you the true way.


Life is such a Joy


Enjoy every Breath



Well, I just want to add that I discovered


later from those who dislike him that he in fact had a more "complicated"


background than most of us (this is the word


they use to describe him) - regarding the type of job he did before he was in this school. But then, I never implied that I did not want to get in touch with those whose background is different from myself!


It really makes me so sad! It is unfair -


could he possibly see me just like the others?

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Well it seems you could be also lonely like


many of us out here in the trenches of Life.


He also might have just wanted to make you


and want to be more than friends, which seems


to be a crime these days. So many women these days dont' really want a nice, caring , loving, giving, generous man. They look at these men as not manly, tough and rugged. You keep searching and God will show you the true way. Life is such a Joy Enjoy every Breath Terry

Hey Terry


Why does it matter if the man is bad to others, but good and generous and caring enough for you? Does a guy need to be good to everyone?


What do you mean by "a crime these days", and the boy wants to be more than friends? How is it a "crime"?



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