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Re: She is sending mixed signals

Tony T

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YOU WRITE: "Can I believe that she still cares for me, or am I fooling myself?"


No, she doesn't care for you a great deal but you are a convenient person for her to use for her agenda.


She has been hurt really bad in the past, probably by the father of her child, and she is scared of entering into a good relationship. Or she may have some problem(s) or character flaws that men find undesireable. That's why she enjoys distant, online relationships with the opportunity to fly off for sex and a good time for short periods and then fly back to the safety of her own distant home.


She was dishonest with you, lying by ommission, and no matter how wonderful things have been, she has told you she is not in love with you and her personal life is none of your business.


Now, many men would consider it nice to have someone to fly over to see them and have a week of great sex with. If that's OK with you, go for it. But if you're looking for a long term, wonderful, healthy, loving, honest, sincere, open relationship with this lady, you are barking up the WRONG tree.

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This is one of the problems with on-line romance: People don't really get to know the person they become infatuated with through their imaginations. We all want someone to love and to love us and it is almost too easy to find that through fictitious internet and e-mail exchanges. But the reality sometimes doesn't match the pretty words and fabricated identities.


She has shown you through her actions what her fun e-mails did not convey: It was all on the surface and did not have any depth to it. Otherwise, she would have told you about an important fact, like she has a 6-year-old child. The fact that she thinks such things are none of your business shows how important your relationship is to her.

YOU WRITE: "Can I believe that she still cares for me, or am I fooling myself?" No, she doesn't care for you a great deal but you are a convenient person for her to use for her agenda. She has been hurt really bad in the past, probably by the father of her child, and she is scared of entering into a good relationship. Or she may have some problem(s) or character flaws that men find undesireable. That's why she enjoys distant, online relationships with the opportunity to fly off for sex and a good time for short periods and then fly back to the safety of her own distant home. She was dishonest with you, lying by ommission, and no matter how wonderful things have been, she has told you she is not in love with you and her personal life is none of your business. Now, many men would consider it nice to have someone to fly over to see them and have a week of great sex with. If that's OK with you, go for it. But if you're looking for a long term, wonderful, healthy, loving, honest, sincere, open relationship with this lady, you are barking up the WRONG tree.


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It could be what the others said is true.She may not have been interested in you from the beginning. But what could also be the case was that she was very ,very interested in you at the start, then changed her mind for some reason. (Not your fault necessarily.She may have found someone closer to home or whatever).


If that's the case, then she was stuck writing letters to someone she lost interest in,which would explain why she wasn't writing as much. When you kept up the correspondence, she began to be resentful of your presence and is now acting irritated at you. For all you know, that story of her six your old boy could be a ploy to get rid of you. In any case, child or not, she seems not to want you .Let her to herself then, and don't waste any more time and emotions or her. Just let her do her thing, and go on with your life.

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