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a lovely time with billy


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Hi Friends,


I'm logging in to update you


billy the kid and I enjoyed a wonderful Christmas and New Years' together. He is a gentle, kind, unselfish, and very loving man. Our plans for the week nose-dived when I became sick last week but billy stayed by my side, nursing me for almost four days.


I was amazed at how immediately comfortable we were together. I was amazed also at how expressive and giving my billy is. We are very happy together and have a very special love between us. Thank you to each of you who played a part in helping us move beyond the loveshack.


billy and I will be visiting each other soon and he will be moving here as soon as we line up the work and finances details.


He is a wonderful man.


Never give up on love.




to: love angel and other old gunfighters


Posted by billy the kid on Tuesday, 26 December 2000, at 12:08 p.m.


I crossed this trail about a year ago, just riding along looking for nothing special, just passing time. I enjoyed reading the posts and posting some of my own. Some times I questioned the fact that many of the posts were so negative, considering this was the "loveshack", and still I read on.


Let me tell you all reading this that you never know when love will find you or when you will find love. I never thought I would find it through the shack.


So to those who have read my posts before, again I write of love and happy stories. Taressa and I discussed many situations of the heart here on the shack, and with a little prodding from some of you, we left the shack to explore our feelings about love in general and later about simple feelings we had towards each other.


Taressa and I have saved our posts from when we first met on the shack, and our e-mails untill this day. The other nite over a glass of wine we sat facing each other on the couch and read our questions and answers to each other, just like we had written them over the shack... It really was nice and I look forward to many more nice evenings and many more happy years together... Thanks to you all for your help and the fun we have shared over the past year.. I wish you all the best and a very Happy New Year.. billy the kid..



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It's rather refreshing to see someone happy for a change. Nice to know some things still work out for the best! I ,for one, am glad for you both and hope it all falls into place in your favor.( For one thing ,we won't be seeing as many "for Billy " or "for Taressa" post you guys used to bombard us with :) hehehe.)


Best of luck to you guys (not that you need it). Keep us posted, if you care to. And be sure to print out your earlier posts to each other and keep them safe. My parents still have their original love letters, and makes it kinda funny to read them on their 45th wedding Anniversary this year! Happy Holidays:)

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This site's only for people UNHAPPY in love. No happy people allowed!


We'll be here for your first fight, though! :o)




J/K...Paulie has a weird sense of humor sometimes!

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