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What is considered cheating to you?

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From cuddling with another person, to full blown sexual intercourse, and everything in between?

What qualifies as cheating to you? How about unforgivable dealbreakers? Id like to ask both men and women for input on this one.

Ive asked this question to other people before, and gotten quite a few different answers.

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From cuddling with another person, to full blown sexual intercourse, and everything in between?

What qualifies as cheating to you? How about unforgivable dealbreakers


The way I personally see it is, if you're in a serious relationship with someone, anything you have listed would be considered cheating. I don't feel a person who is in a relationship should be taking part in anything with someone else other than talking.(And by talking I mean simple friendly communication, not flirting in the least bit.)


Cuddling.. I would say could possibly be forgiven I suppose depending on the circumstances. Intercourse and everything in between you're going to have a lot of begging, explaining, and proving to do before i'd waste my time on you again. But to be open minded and not one sided, if you're in a relationship and it's lacking any of these things where you feel you need to go find it elsewhere, that could also pose a problem. Cheating is never the answer though.

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I'm surprised you haven't mentioned emotional cheating. I'd actually be more bothered if my boyfriend emotionally cheated on me than if he physically did.

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I'm surprised you haven't mentioned emotional cheating. I'd actually be more bothered if my boyfriend emotionally cheated on me than if he physically did.


Didn't think of that initially, but couldn't agree more. That would definitely be the one unforgivable thing in my book. Nothing that was said would be able to change that for me.

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Darren Steez

If you're in a relationship and your GF/BF has another person at their place and they are alone cuddling is that not cheating? I think it is. There's a sliding scale from emotional to physical..whatever falls in that range is cheating. Intercourse doesn't have to necessarily be involved.

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It doesn't have to be physical.


Anything that you wouldn't feel comfortable telling your SO about is cheating, IMO.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I find Cuddling cheating....my girlfriend is currently on a cruiseline working, she told me a two weeks ago she had been watching movies with her best friend, which is a guy, that she only knows for a about a month. She would either go to his cabin or his hers...single cabin beds...she says it was just movies...I still find that cheating....

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Space Ritual
From cuddling with another person, to full blown sexual intercourse, and everything in between?

What qualifies as cheating to you? How about unforgivable dealbreakers? Id like to ask both men and women for input on this one.

Ive asked this question to other people before, and gotten quite a few different answers.


Any action that you feel you have to keep from your significant other or spouse for whatever reason would be my baseline...and to me it's all a deal breaker, be it emotional or physical.

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Cheating is anything that you would do in front of your BF?GF with someone else.



Cheating is anything that you would NOT do in front of your BF?GF with someone else.



Left out an important word.

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Cheating is anything that you would NOT do in front of your BF?GF with someone else.



Left out an important word.



that's how i feel exactly...if you cant do whatever you are doing in front of your partner then you shouldnt be doing it at all......down to talking.... when it becomes racey from someone else, you get that ahhhhh..i should go now uncomfortable feeling....you should go....deb

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When they're too lazy to study, but take the time to make a label for their water bottle that has all the answers in the "ingredients" section of the label. God damn, I hate cheaters!

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