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don't know what to make of this, coming on too strong?

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Hi I'm a college student and I am having trouble with this guy I like. I'm really studious and don't usually pay much attention to guys.


So when I want to talk to them I come out as either really in-their-face and awkward...well, I've been trying repeatedly to talk to this one guy who's been in some of my classes, and we have same the same musical taste.


Yet I'm always asking him questions and initiating the conversation, and sometimes I feel pushy. He never asks me questions...I sort of have to volunteer the info myself.


I know his major and stuff, and we say hi pretty often....And then, whenever I give him a chance to talk (aka, I shut up and just smile, waiting for him to say sthg), he doesn't really....Just sort of smiles and that's it. And he stands there and there's this SILENCE but he doesn't leave. So it's like he wants to stay and talk, but is just waiting for me to do the talking?


:confused: I don't get it. Someone please help? Does it seem like he's just shy, or maybe is just not interested? Or has a g/f? Agh. Thanks.

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Is there a social event coming up at the campus that you think he'd probably be interested in? You should find out if there is, get some friends to agree to go with you and next time you see him tell him that you and some friends are going to XX and ask him if he wants to come along. If he says yes, then I'd say there may be something there. If he says no, he's not interested.


(Nosmas - no prep school girl jokes :p )

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Hey good advice there. Forgot to mention though that last time I talked to him, I told him there's a movie screening on campus (soundtrack has the bands we like) in a couple weeks. I didn't straight out invite him, I just said, if you're interested or wanna know more, just let me know. He said cool ok, asked its whereabouts, and then we said bye (because...there was that silence (i-am-just-standing-here-waiting-for-you-to-say-something silence).


So, does this mean I'm just sposed to wait around for the next week or so, and if he doesn't ask me anything more about it, to brush it off? Or should what I said be taken as "hey just wanted to let you know about this" rather than an 'invitation'? Man why I am so conversation-illiterate. Geez. Thanks again.

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