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ex wanted to be friends now hates me for moving on

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We dated for 2 year and 4 month ago we finished because of repeated petty arguments. I tried all ways of getting her back but decided to try NC,lasted 2 weeks and text her. This resulted in her getting angry,telling me she doesnt love me anymore,doesnt miss or think about me and knows her life is not meant to be spent with me anymore...this hit me hard but made everything real,I left her alone from this point. 4 weeks later she texts saying she didnt mean them things but thought that's what I needed to hear to move on and hopes I have met someone special. I replied the next day and after a few texts she tells me she wants me back,im cautious about this and say we'd need to talk,she said it doesnt matter,that she tried and I didnt seem keen! Days passed and we agreed to be friends,she asked me to be honest if I met anyone etc but kept making clear we could never be together again,she repeated this over and over but constantly questionrd my where abouts,who I was with and if id met anyone. Few weeks passed and I met a girl in a club and took her number. Next day ex asked about my night out and I was honest with her about getting a number... SHE WENT CRAZY!!! Told me never to contact her again. I tried to talk to her but she just got nasty and told me to leave her. I never text that girl as I feel guilty (even though I tried to sort things with my ex and she didnt wanna know) and over a week later havnt heard from my ex nor text her,but I miss her! Why did she react like this? Do I stick to NC or get in touch? My heads allover!

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Your ex is being a bitch.


She doesn't want you, but she doesn't want anyone else to have you either. I can guarantee that if she met someone, she'd go for it.


She has rejected you multiple times after dumping you. Go NC, text this new girl, and move on. Do not feel guilty. If she wanted you, you'd still be with her. She doesn't, so time to move on.


NC all the way with this one. Don't even think twice.

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almond nailed it; this is a classic example of a toxic relationship. The withdrawals from NC are strongest in the beginning; they will fade with time.


Keep your head up and focus on those who do sincerely appreciate you; you can only continue to heal from here. :)

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She was trying someone else on for size when she told you she was over you and didn't want you in her life. Later on that did not work our for her (he probably realized she is bat-$h!t-crazy. You should too) And that is when she contacted you and said she wanted you back.


In other words you were Plan B.


The reason she's acting this way is because A- she is nuts. And because B- She knows she shot herself in the foot and screwed the pooch herself.


Walk away and get as much distance between you and her before she really does something nutty to you like boil your bunny or something.

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Also you need to keep in mind that when women want to remain "friends" what that means is they no longer want to be in a romantic/sexual relationship with you, do not want to be exclusive with you and do not want to be committed to you and they want to bang other dudes.


However they also do not want you being pissed at them or having ill-will towards them and they don't want you talking bad about them to your friends and social group.


It also means that even though they are no longer romantic/sexual with you, they still want you to "be there" for them and pick them up and give them rides when their car is available, want a shoulder to cry on when the guys they banged from the bar the other night don't call and want you to go with them to their cousin Virginia's wedding so they don't look like they don't have a BF.


It's all BS and there's no reason on God's Green Earth to do anything of that. If she is having a major insecurity attack and you can't bring yourself to tell her to "F" off, then just tell her it's all good and you don't have any grudges and no animosity towards her and that you'll always have fond memories blah blah blah ...


... and then give her back whatever of her stuff that you have at your place and ask for all your stuff back and then delete her from your contacts, stop returning calls and txts and move on with your life as if she was living in an ice station in Anarctica and didn't have any means of communication.

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