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How long do rebounds usually last? My ex got with a guy soon after we broke up, but she admitted she doesn't like him that much. He is just safe for her. We are still pretty close and I'm wondering if I can just wait this thing out and how long it will take. It's been about 2 months so far.

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Has she expressed interest in getting back with you? You said she told you the rebound was safe. Did you hurt her or do something wrong?

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Rebounds can last a long time. In fact I married a rebound when I split with my first husband. The marriage lasted almost 5 yrs till it was obvisous we didnt love each other. I am curoius about one thing tho. If she doenst really like the guy why is she with him. Do you think its the fear or being alone? I know I was like that.Are you two totally split up or just taking a break ? If you are totally split I would not wait till she makes her mind up. I would go on and date and find someone willing to share quality time with you. I wish you luck Dewy :bunny:

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When my Bf broke up with me cause we where arguing too much and he wanted time to change a few things, I met other people good and bad, but I always came back to him. It's like I just wanted these guys for company or maybe sex but in my heart I new I wanted to be with my Bf. We went on lie this for 6 months and we're back but he always throw's in my face the fact that I messes around while being broke up, while he "didn't". So I think she loves you and cares for you, but again she is having fun being single and not having to tell anyone what she is doing or where she is going. If you really lover her and want to be with her, give her time. But let her know there's a time frame and you're no second string.



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why is it considered a rebound. i broke up with my ex in feb started dating a guy in april we are still together. is this a rebound?

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Boy thats the million dollar question, all I can say is I hope not too long. My b/f got engaged less than 2 months after our breakup and it maybe evil but I pray that it will end and the sooner the better. I know evil Katty, well at least I just have these evil thoughts and don't act on them. As stupid as it sounds I pray every night that he will come to his senses and realize that he loves me and not her, a girl can dream can't she?

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