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Character vs. Personality


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Did you know that there is a difference between a person's personality and their character? They are not one in the same...

I just learned this.

Personality is a person's likes, dislikes, if they are outgoing or introverted, shy , funny, friendly, what color they like, what food they like, etc.

Character is what helps each and every person to determine what is right and wrong.

Sometimes a persons personality can be mistaken for their character.

We do need both character and personality to interact and function in society.

Now am I the only one who didn't know the difference until recently between character and personality??

What are your thoughts on this?? :D

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I agree with your post. I think having character is doing the right thing, and having high standards. Most people have a good personality when you first meet them, but time will tell, about their true personality, for better or worse. It all depends on the person.

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Thank you for the enlightenment on this differential in terminology.


I never gave much thought to it as they are so closely interlinked..


The question then leads to...How much of ones personality determines character? If I am outgoing am I more apt to create anarchy verses a person who is quiet and timid....Which personality type is more akin to have certain "character" attributes..? Interesting to think about...

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Personality does not determine character...character is the values they hold as a person i.e. if there good or bad people, do they have manners, etc. being outgoing or quiet does not determine whether someone will create anarchy or not, two completely different things

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human nature class 101 , clearly states there is NO Good people or Bad people. There are good deeds or bad deeds committed or demonstrated by humans. Humans have values. Ask a medical doctor if when they roll someone in a stretcher to them if they can test for "ohh this is a good person" or "ohh this is a bad person". Nah what they see is a human needing medical resolution.

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Well I'd say I have good character but I've had people reject me and take sides before for someone who has bad character. Go figure.

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