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I believe in Karma...

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I believe whatever you do, whether good or bad.. the universe will give it back to you ten folds...

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I believe karma is a state of mind. Reminding you when you feel bad, of the negative things you have done. And when you feel good, of the positive things you have done to get there. If you take more positive actions, the bad feelings hit you much softer than when you've been taking negative actions.


If you have good intentions things will seem more positive and as expected, you'll see the world in a much better light. Negative intentions will often leave you feeling bitter and jaded, thus the world seems like a bleak place.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I have heard quite a few people attest to its truthfulness, but I, as of yet, have not personally seen it at work in the lives of others...not in the strictest sense anyway.

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I have heard quite a few people attest to its truthfulness, but I, as of yet, have not personally seen it at work in the lives of others...not in the strictest sense anyway.



Lol, I have seen it when i was a child, and even more so as an adult.

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I believe whatever you do, whether good or bad.. the universe will give it back to you ten folds...


Hmmm... Then how would you explain the examples of people who are really NOT very nice, but they are still very successful and happen to have abundance in many areas of their lifes?

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