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if you've been broken up with / broken hearted

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Congratulations on your engagement and baby on the way! Inspiring success story! And thank you for your feed back on my situation.


Question, after reading many posts here, there seems to be confusion among people on what "moving mountains to get you back" and "going to the ends of the earth to get you back" by an ex means? Many of us are confusing bread crumbs with moving mountains.


Would you, or any other poster who's experienced this, please give a few specific examples of an ex moving mountains/going to the ends of the earth? What does this look like, besides a text saying they want you back?


Also, does this typically happen after NC and moving on, or NC and moving on AND BLOCKING them (which creates even more terror and obstacles...LOL)?

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It's been a week of FULL NC and I've felt fine at times, but like in the mornings are the roughest. I come on here and reread posts to reassure myself to continue NC. I'm a little worried about tomorrow, it was suppose to be our 18 month anniversary and I'm not sure if she will try to contact me or not. If she does what should I do?


Same situation. He broke up with me via text last week and on July 11th we would've have celebrated our 21st month anniversary. I don't think he'll text me, but I'm quite sure the Eleven will stop his heart for a sec.

I'd like to share my story if anyone is willing to Read it

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Day 9 NC, and it's wicked hard. I really wanna talk to her and try to convince her to work things out. But I know it doesn't work like that, I'm just super impatient with this kind of stuff. I am pretty proud of myself though, she sent me a message the other night which I completely ignored (first time ignoring her since the BU). Haven't heard since, but I'm serious about NC, and if it helps me get her back then I'm in it for the long haul.


Felt like I just needed to write this out, thanks guys.

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NC - Day 45 something.


I went to take a short trip on my bike to see the sunset and thought about you. Emotions took over...


I allowed to feel what I feel. I will allow that for my own sake. I felt sad. I felt lonely. A tough guy like me. Yes, i cried. For I am human.


But then i figured... I wasn't the one to end it. I did whatever I could, I gave it all, I begged, I pleaded, cause i'm a fighter and I am human.


I expected you to support me... but when did you? When were you there? When I lost my job, when my dad got sick. You werent there... Who could I talk to? Were you ever going to be? I guess not anymore now.


Why are you still so special to me? Get down from that pedestal please. I need to heal. I need to forget about us. But I can't. You are you imprinted on my soul?


I wonder were you're at... I hope your not in pain. I miss you baby, but I can't let you know. For my own sake.


I will keep NC. Not because I want to, but because I need to. Damn you. :(

Edited by NC-Thomas
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Hey y'all,


Haven't been around much, but stopping by to show some love.


Hope y'all are enjoying the summer, and getting better everyday.


Chin up, you will be fine and get over this..that's always been my promise.







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I definitely could use a helping hand. My ex experiences both serious anxiety and depression. Occasionally every couple months she goes through a break down and talks about not being happy with everything going on in her life work,school, me everything. Usually about a week later shes fine. This time she has chose to end it saying she has no idea what to do etc. The day after we broke up she starts texting me consistently. After about the second day after I have gone NC. A friend of hers has contacted me saying that she still talks about how she misses me and cares about me, she is even still wearing something I bought her that she said she would not be wearing if we broke up. I love this girl to death and want her to be a part of my life. She is very stubborn so I am not sure if she will make the move to break the NC I started. Do you think she will? at some point? All in all we were dating for a year and have been pretty happy together the occasional fight/ argument but what relationship doesn't have that. I have been working on getting over her hanging with friends working out etc, but I would like her to break the NC at some point... Before I cave

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Hey y'all,


Haven't been around much, but stopping by to show some love.


Hope y'all are enjoying the summer, and getting better everyday.


Chin up, you will be fine and get over this..that's always been my promise.










Thank you, your thread has inspired me and gives me real hope to one day regain my family.


Thank you so much for helping others in times of need.

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Hi Barky. Not sure if you would have time to read my threads. But my main question to ask is how do I deal with my a close friend that used to be by my side post BU, but now hangs out and befriends my ex? I feel a bit betrayed by it.

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Hello everyone, I've asked friends family & tries looking on the internet.. Nothing is making me feel any better basically I broke up with my exgirlfriend, my first love 13 months ago! I still think about her everyday after a messy breakup I was heartbroken for months and I still am I've tried it with other woman going dates slending time and such. Nothing seems to be working to overcome to hurt.. Se sometimes messages me on facebook & sends me messages out of the blue. And I always think that is my chance to win her back. 2 months ago I went on a date with her although all she spoke about was her new 'ex' boyfriend. This really hurt me although I held the hurt inside and we stopped speaking after that! We work within the same workplace although different buildings so I don see her often but when I do it is a whirlwind of emotions.


After out breakup she seemed to get a rebound relationship 1 month after. He obviously wasn't the right guy for her has I knew him from my hometown! This really hurt me as I went out drinking one night and she kissed him infront of me! And through Facebook chats we deceived ex to talk as friends we wa speaking about our relationship experiences since we broke up and she told me that se had recently slept with him! This had mad me feel physically sick all day! The main reason our relationship failed was before we met I became a father. I didn't know until a month I was going out with this girl. I told her and it seemed to change things for the worst. We decided to carry on and work with this 1 year down the line we brake up! T was very hard at th time as she was jealous oner my child's mother although I never had any intention of gettin back together with her it always seemed to crop up in arguments I always felt like I was the worst person as she would guilt trip me all the time about it and make me feel bad. I truely believed I would be with this girl forwver. But from all the hurt that she caused me I still want her back and believe that there still is a chance. Be exhausted all my ideas on how to try to win this girl back.... Please I would appreciate any help!

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Hello everyone, I've asked friends family & tries looking on the internet.. Nothing is making me feel any better basically I broke up with my exgirlfriend, my first love 13 months ago! I still think about her everyday after a messy breakup I was heartbroken for months and I still am I've tried it with other woman going dates slending time and such. Nothing seems to be working to overcome to hurt.. Se sometimes messages me on facebook & sends me messages out of the blue. And I always think that is my chance to win her back. 2 months ago I went on a date with her although all she spoke about was her new 'ex' boyfriend. This really hurt me although I held the hurt inside and we stopped speaking after that! We work within the same workplace although different buildings so I don see her often but when I do it is a whirlwind of emotions.


After out breakup she seemed to get a rebound relationship 1 month after. He obviously wasn't the right guy for her has I knew him from my hometown! This really hurt me as I went out drinking one night and she kissed him infront of me! And through Facebook chats we deceived ex to talk as friends we wa speaking about our relationship experiences since we broke up and she told me that se had recently slept with him! This had mad me feel physically sick all day! The main reason our relationship failed was before we met I became a father. I didn't know until a month I was going out with this girl. I told her and it seemed to change things for the worst. We decided to carry on and work with this 1 year down the line we brake up! T was very hard at th time as she was jealous oner my child's mother although I never had any intention of gettin back together with her it always seemed to crop up in arguments I always felt like I was the worst person as she would guilt trip me all the time about it and make me feel bad. I truely believed I would be with this girl forwver. But from all the hurt that she caused me I still want her back and believe that there still is a chance. Be exhausted all my ideas on how to try to win this girl back.... Please I would appreciate any help!


Hey, dude. Welcome to the Friendzoneland! That is what you get trying to win her over and providing emotional safety for her.


Read the 2014 NC guide to get the idea where would be best for you to start.

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I definitely could use a helping hand. My ex experiences both serious anxiety and depression. Occasionally every couple months she goes through a break down and talks about not being happy with everything going on in her life work,school, me everything. Usually about a week later shes fine. This time she has chose to end it saying she has no idea what to do etc. The day after we broke up she starts texting me consistently. After about the second day after I have gone NC. A friend of hers has contacted me saying that she still talks about how she misses me and cares about me, she is even still wearing something I bought her that she said she would not be wearing if we broke up. I love this girl to death and want her to be a part of my life. She is very stubborn so I am not sure if she will make the move to break the NC I started. Do you think she will? at some point? All in all we were dating for a year and have been pretty happy together the occasional fight/ argument but what relationship doesn't have that. I have been working on getting over her hanging with friends working out etc, but I would like her to break the NC at some point... Before I cave




She needs more help than you can offer.


It sounds like she will continue to go through these phases until you stop it, and sick of the heart ache.


Wouldn't you rather have a girl who won't do this? That will be with you no matter what?


You need to move on to find the right one.


Leave this one be so she can get healthy...because she's far from it and it's effecting you.






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Hi Barky. Not sure if you would have time to read my threads. But my main question to ask is how do I deal with my a close friend that used to be by my side post BU, but now hangs out and befriends my ex? I feel a bit betrayed by it.


Crappy situation man.


I think your " friend " has had a hidden agenda for quite some time.


How do you deal with it?


Lol.. I want to give you a man answer, but I'll hold that off and think with a clear head.


You cut them both off.


Honestly it sucks, but Atleast you learned who this " friend " really was.



You saw their true colors.


With your ex?


You leave them alone also.


You don't contact neither one.


Live your life, everyday do something to move forward away from them both.


Your " friend " did you a huge solid.. He made it obvious that he's not really your friend.




Sorry to hear it, but you'll be just fine I promise.







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Hello everyone, I've asked friends family & tries looking on the internet.. Nothing is making me feel any better basically I broke up with my exgirlfriend, my first love 13 months ago! I still think about her everyday after a messy breakup I was heartbroken for months and I still am I've tried it with other woman going dates slending time and such. Nothing seems to be working to overcome to hurt.. Se sometimes messages me on facebook & sends me messages out of the blue. And I always think that is my chance to win her back. 2 months ago I went on a date with her although all she spoke about was her new 'ex' boyfriend. This really hurt me although I held the hurt inside and we stopped speaking after that! We work within the same workplace although different buildings so I don see her often but when I do it is a whirlwind of emotions.


After out breakup she seemed to get a rebound relationship 1 month after. He obviously wasn't the right guy for her has I knew him from my hometown! This really hurt me as I went out drinking one night and she kissed him infront of me! And through Facebook chats we deceived ex to talk as friends we wa speaking about our relationship experiences since we broke up and she told me that se had recently slept with him! This had mad me feel physically sick all day! The main reason our relationship failed was before we met I became a father. I didn't know until a month I was going out with this girl. I told her and it seemed to change things for the worst. We decided to carry on and work with this 1 year down the line we brake up! T was very hard at th time as she was jealous oner my child's mother although I never had any intention of gettin back together with her it always seemed to crop up in arguments I always felt like I was the worst person as she would guilt trip me all the time about it and make me feel bad. I truely believed I would be with this girl forwver. But from all the hurt that she caused me I still want her back and believe that there still is a chance. Be exhausted all my ideas on how to try to win this girl back.... Please I would appreciate any help!




You need to lay down the law.. Either were together working on us, or not.


This " friendZone , limbo " is killing you.


Tell her how you feel, that you'd like to try again.


If she says yes , great.


If not, then let her know you can no longer be in contact since it's not healthy for you, and that if she ever changes her mind, hit you up.


Leave the ball in her court and move on man.


Only thing you can do.


But you also walk away drilling it in your head she's not coming back.








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Hi Barky (and all),


Wish I had found this thread sooner, reading through the various stories has been almost calming and therapeutic.


Congrats on your engagement and future little one! That's what I want for myself one day.


I was hoping you (and anyone else) could give me some perspective on my situation. I'm sorry this is long but I hope someone will read it :(


Dated this guy I was really into for over 3 months. We met through mutual friends at a party. Prior to us dating, he was in a very serious relationship for 5 years (they lived together and it ended badly) he stayed single for over a year with a few dates here and there but I was the first girl that things seemed to be going well with (according to mutual friends).


The thing is, I was enjoying my time with this guy but after a while things changed. It gradually fell into a routine where I was putting in ALL the work and we weren't moving any closer to a commitment. I felt like he was taking me for granted so I said something. Basically asked for either more communication on his end, or for him to start driving to me some of the time. He told me he wasn't 100 percent on "us" even after 3 months of dating.


I gave him space and a few days passed. He eventually IMed me to say he thought about what I said and agreed with it.


I thought this meant we would be able to work things out.


Then suddenly he said that based on how things were and where we were in life, he didn't think a serious relationship would be the right thing.


I was crushed but I didn't beg.


I did stand my ground.


I told him it was ok he wasn't ready but it was messed up to string me along for 3 months while he figured it out. I told him I was angry and that in case of our mutual friends there was no need to act as if nothing changed.


He gave me some wishy-washy apology and said I was more serious about things than he thought and he was sorry for how things went.


The b.s. part of this is we had a conversation early on (1 month in) that there was potential for things to become more serious but we wanted to take things slow and agreed not to date other ppl.


My last message to him all I said was that I really cared about him and wanted reciprocation and while I didn't think that it was a lot to ask for, it seemed like a lot to him. I told him that wasn't my problem and that I thought I could be treated better than this. No response.


I have not tried to contact him since. Did I handle this well?


It's been 6 weeks NC, no breadcrumbs aside from him liking one of my FB statuses. We are still FB friends but I don't ever check his page. I have no idea what he's up to. In retrospect, I think he is afraid of commitment right now. I realize he isn't exactly an ex, but I do know that I was so kind to him and I wonder if he will come to regret his decision at some point. Thoughts?


Since going NC I have found 3 part-time jobs for September! Woot woot! I've been spending time with friends, started taking belly dance lessons (and love them) and I have officially been selected to be a lead singer for this rock band which I am super excited for! To say I am doing amazing would be an understatement.


I have also been dating casually.


Recently, I just started talking to a really awesome guy. Handsome, successful, intelligent. Nothing has happened. I'm into him but I am afraid. I'm afraid to actually take that step, because what if he does come back and I've found someone else? Then what? I told him I deserved better but I feel like I'm holding back from the final plunge. I actually do like this guy but my heart is so afraid and fragile.


Any thoughts or opinions would be appreciated.

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Hi Barky (and all),


Wish I had found this thread sooner, reading through the various stories has been almost calming and therapeutic.


Congrats on your engagement and future little one! That's what I want for myself one day.


I was hoping you (and anyone else) could give me some perspective on my situation. I'm sorry this is long but I hope someone will read it :(


Dated this guy I was really into for over 3 months. We met through mutual friends at a party. Prior to us dating, he was in a very serious relationship for 5 years (they lived together and it ended badly) he stayed single for over a year with a few dates here and there but I was the first girl that things seemed to be going well with (according to mutual friends).


The thing is, I was enjoying my time with this guy but after a while things changed. It gradually fell into a routine where I was putting in ALL the work and we weren't moving any closer to a commitment. I felt like he was taking me for granted so I said something. Basically asked for either more communication on his end, or for him to start driving to me some of the time. He told me he wasn't 100 percent on "us" even after 3 months of dating.


I gave him space and a few days passed. He eventually IMed me to say he thought about what I said and agreed with it.


I thought this meant we would be able to work things out.


Then suddenly he said that based on how things were and where we were in life, he didn't think a serious relationship would be the right thing.


I was crushed but I didn't beg.


I did stand my ground.


I told him it was ok he wasn't ready but it was messed up to string me along for 3 months while he figured it out. I told him I was angry and that in case of our mutual friends there was no need to act as if nothing changed.


He gave me some wishy-washy apology and said I was more serious about things than he thought and he was sorry for how things went.


The b.s. part of this is we had a conversation early on (1 month in) that there was potential for things to become more serious but we wanted to take things slow and agreed not to date other ppl.


My last message to him all I said was that I really cared about him and wanted reciprocation and while I didn't think that it was a lot to ask for, it seemed like a lot to him. I told him that wasn't my problem and that I thought I could be treated better than this. No response.


I have not tried to contact him since. Did I handle this well?


It's been 6 weeks NC, no breadcrumbs aside from him liking one of my FB statuses. We are still FB friends but I don't ever check his page. I have no idea what he's up to. In retrospect, I think he is afraid of commitment right now. I realize he isn't exactly an ex, but I do know that I was so kind to him and I wonder if he will come to regret his decision at some point. Thoughts?


Since going NC I have found 3 part-time jobs for September! Woot woot! I've been spending time with friends, started taking belly dance lessons (and love them) and I have officially been selected to be a lead singer for this rock band which I am super excited for! To say I am doing amazing would be an understatement.


I have also been dating casually.


Recently, I just started talking to a really awesome guy. Handsome, successful, intelligent. Nothing has happened. I'm into him but I am afraid. I'm afraid to actually take that step, because what if he does come back and I've found someone else? Then what? I told him I deserved better but I feel like I'm holding back from the final plunge. I actually do like this guy but my heart is so afraid and fragile.


Any thoughts or opinions would be appreciated.








He's not over his ex.


He might have been single for awhile, and things got good with y'all, but that's his secret.


That's why he wouldn't commit.


He's hung up on her.


Obviously you said it ended badly with them, and he couldn't commit to you, because he's still carrying baggage around with him.


He actually did you a favor..honestly.


Imagine if he would've went along with this half heartily and a year down the line he did this?


Now to the new guy.


This wishy washy guy isn't going to commit, nor commit for a very long time.


The best thing you can do is leave him be and let him deal with his demons.


While he's doing that...


You give this new guy a chance.


Who knows what can happen.


And thank you very much for the kind words about my situation, 3 weeks and I'll be a father :)





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He's not over his ex.


He might have been single for awhile, and things got good with y'all, but that's his secret.


That's why he wouldn't commit.


He's hung up on her.


Obviously you said it ended badly with them, and he couldn't commit to you, because he's still carrying baggage around with him.


He actually did you a favor..honestly.


Imagine if he would've went along with this half heartily and a year down the line he did this?


Now to the new guy.


This wishy washy guy isn't going to commit, nor commit for a very long time.


The best thing you can do is leave him be and let him deal with his demons.


While he's doing that...


You give this new guy a chance.


Who knows what can happen.


And thank you very much for the kind words about my situation, 3 weeks and I'll be a father :)






Barky, I thought I was doing so well with my healing but reading your response hurt my heart. I honestly want to cry and I've been holding my head high about this for over a month trying to be okay.


Every guy I have ever found myself with has been horrible to me. I've been used, cheated on, humiliated. One of my ex's put me in dangerous situations one where I was almost arrested. Another tried to rape me at a party. Someone walked in while I was fighting him off. He later blamed it on being drunk.


These men messed me up. So badly. I stayed single for years. I just wanted to be successful and protect myself from jerks.


I found this guy when I least expected it. And our friends thought it was great. Because I needed someone who would treat me well and he was "a good guy"


Well he hurt me. Another one to add to the list. I thought this guy cared about me and would treat me right but he just led me on and hurt me.


I'm a good person. Educated, kind, I have lots of friends and interests. I'm a hard worker. I don't understand why this happens to me.


I don't know why he came into my life. It hurts to know he probably never cared about me. It really does. I didn't even get an apology. It's so unfair. It's cruel. He basically used me.


Can you see why I'm afraid? I don't want to hurt anymore. I'm afraid ill never find someone who wants to make me happy.


Now I'm crying for the first time in over a month. I thought I was almost over this and now it feels like the wound was just ripped open.


You don't think he ever cared about me? You don't think he'll ever come back or apologize?

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Barky, thank you for your response. Really. The truth just really hurts right now.

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So my ex keeps updating her whatsapp statuses, they're clearly aimed at me (I know this because some of them have contained personal comments relating to me) but the latest one reads "happiest I have EVER been". Now correct me if I'm wrong but if she was so happy then she wouldn't need to keep broadcasting it right? She has put up the same status a few times now and I feel like its to get a reaction from me, however I could be wrong. If I'm right though why would she want to try and hurt me this way, as she obviously thinks by having that as her status is going to bother me (it doesn't, I'm over her already) would like some thoughts as this behavious seems strange to me?


Bro your situation is so similar to mine that it freaking scares me. Please let me know how things worked out for you. I will take your advice to avoid mistakes. Thank you.

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Barky, I thought I was doing so well with my healing but reading your response hurt my heart. I honestly want to cry and I've been holding my head high about this for over a month trying to be okay.


Every guy I have ever found myself with has been horrible to me. I've been used, cheated on, humiliated. One of my ex's put me in dangerous situations one where I was almost arrested. Another tried to rape me at a party. Someone walked in while I was fighting him off. He later blamed it on being drunk.


These men messed me up. So badly. I stayed single for years. I just wanted to be successful and protect myself from jerks.


I found this guy when I least expected it. And our friends thought it was great. Because I needed someone who would treat me well and he was "a good guy"


Well he hurt me. Another one to add to the list. I thought this guy cared about me and would treat me right but he just led me on and hurt me.


I'm a good person. Educated, kind, I have lots of friends and interests. I'm a hard worker. I don't understand why this happens to me.


I don't know why he came into my life. It hurts to know he probably never cared about me. It really does. I didn't even get an apology. It's so unfair. It's cruel. He basically used me.


Can you see why I'm afraid? I don't want to hurt anymore. I'm afraid ill never find someone who wants to make me happy.


Now I'm crying for the first time in over a month. I thought I was almost over this and now it feels like the wound was just ripped open.


You don't think he ever cared about me? You don't think he'll ever come back or apologize?




I'm sorry it hurts, I'm always blunt because what it does is, it opens your eyes.


It opens your eyes to the truth, but it always makes you realize what was actually goin on, what's going threw their head.


By all means I could be way off, because sometimes I am..but I think it's written on the wall here.


I'm sure you will get an apology some day.


I'm sure he didn't mean to hurt you.




I'm also sure you will find the right guy one day.


There's a reason you've had many douches as bfs


It's for you to let them go the find the right one.


Nothing makes sense now.


In time it will.


You will move on and be happy, that's another promise.


I'm sorry if I hurt you, it wasn't my intention.


But I'm glad you felt that pain, even for a second, because that pain.... Is your heart and head putting two and two together.



Chin up, you'll be fine I promise.





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hey barky. hr you? remember me? still healing but i am so much better.


ex is doing all things i introduced to her with her new guy. i wonder why....


maybe i feel some ifs (for example what would happen if i would answer her calls. but then i remind me how cruel she was and i am ok)

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Please don't think you hurt me. I'm glad you're blunt. I wouldn't want it any other way.


If anything, I APPRECIATE it.


Funny thing...


I'm sorry if I hurt you, it wasn't my intention.


Those are the exact words he said to me when I told him how angry I was with him. It didn't feel like an apology though. Just b.s.


Honestly your theory makes sense.


And I feel like a fool.


I have been trying to move forward. Doing everything I can actually.


It's hard to bear the thought of dating another ******* but I don't want to be hardened to love.


I want what you have one day but right now it seems like I'll never find someone who will care about me that way.


It feels hopeless right now. It will be hard to let down my guard again and trust someone new.


I hope he apologizes someday too. This whole thing was really unfair. I don't deserve to feel like this.

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hey barky. hr you? remember me? still healing but i am so much better.


ex is doing all things i introduced to her with her new guy. i wonder why....


maybe i feel some ifs (for example what would happen if i would answer her calls. but then i remind me how cruel she was and i am ok)


Of course h2d.


Man, you know too much about her life.


Ignorance is bliss bro.


What would happen if you answered her call..would be a quick catch up and she's be gone again..you know the answer to that.


Block the crap out of her. Let her lay in the bed she made.



Glad you've come so far, keep it up my dude!





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Please don't think you hurt me. I'm glad you're blunt. I wouldn't want it any other way.


If anything, I APPRECIATE it.


Funny thing...




Those are the exact words he said to me when I told him how angry I was with him. It didn't feel like an apology though. Just b.s.


Honestly your theory makes sense.


And I feel like a fool.


I have been trying to move forward. Doing everything I can actually.


It's hard to bear the thought of dating another ******* but I don't want to be hardened to love.


I want what you have one day but right now it seems like I'll never find someone who will care about me that way.


It feels hopeless right now. It will be hard to let down my guard again and trust someone new.


I hope he apologizes someday too. This whole thing was really unfair. I don't deserve to feel like this.


It took me a long time, it took me all the pain.


You'll have what I have lol, don't hope..it's realistic.


Hopeless is temporary, everyday you'll wake up feeling better.


Then one day you'll just be sick of being hurt and feeling down and make a change.


That's the first day of the rest of your life.






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